That isn't vegetarian the marshmellows in the rice crispy turkey has gelatin which contains animal products. Not to mention the butter and the milk in the chocolate candys.
P.s. I am totally not vegetarian and I would eat that in a second.
You'd think so but I got yelled at by a parent once because I gave a marshmellow to their kid. "Don't feed (kid's name) marshmellows again beacuse Marshmellows have gelatin in them and gelatin is made from animal parts and THAT MEANS marshmellows is MURDER." Yeah they no eat the mellows. Lol
Not necessarily. Vegetarians are usually cool with animal foods that don't kill or harm the animal(eggs, milk), but since gelatin contains bone meal(dead animal) they'll usually not eat it.
i guess it depends how hardcore the vegetarian is, i find most people who go vegetarian are making the choice because it "harms" less animals than not doing anything, so are ok with the little bits of things here and there that are hard to avoid. i feel like someone who would wig out over gelatin should have a hard time rationalizing raising anything in mass conditions for even milk and eggs. plus its pretty impossible to avoid eating anything without dedicating a substantial portion of your life and finances to it.
· 9 years ago
If you are vegan you can eat kosher marshmallows because there is no gelatin in them.
P.s. I am totally not vegetarian and I would eat that in a second.