I mean if you lock them into a safe you might as well don't have them at all. Wich sounds like a good plan to me. If someone breaks into your house you fist gotta open a fucking safe? By the way those people breaking into your house mostly just want your fucking tv not murder your family.
Aren't those like thousands of dollars too? I mean not everyone is a upper middle class family that can afford to spend 2000 on a safe. So what are the other options?
Oh please. "The poor can't defend themselves." If you can afford a gun, you sure as hell can afford a safe. Also the US crime rates are not that high, I do not understand why you're all so paranoid.
The term assault rifle is a misnomer used as a scare tactic by left wing idiots. Also, who are you to tell me what I do or do not need? I'm 25 and I live alone, every weapon I have is loaded and ready for use. No safe.
America and their gun laws / reliance on the economic benefits of the NRA are like a really drunk friend at a party that has no self control, pisses everywhere and make a complete fool of themselves.
What the fuck are you talking about? They're all domestic terrorists if they go out and do a mass shooting. It's a matter of what the lawyers try and pull in order to get their client a lesser sentence. If the individual makes contact with a known terrorist cell and/or is active in it then it's labeled as a terrorist.
· 9 years ago
Or just get a trigger lock and keep your ammunition in a smaller, less expensive safe.
Only issue is, sociopaths are very good at pretending, and psychos will find a way around any obstacle.