Because I sleep laying down, not standing up.
And I usually end up waking up in the middle of the night to take them off.
Edit: Also, close your mouth, you'll catch flies.
There are a lot of flies in my room. I think they're coming through my window.
· 9 years ago
Maybe you should close your window then? I saw a bunch of little white bugs today when I was out. They were everywhere and I'm pretty sure I ate some just by walking through them. Yuck.
Nah. Cant eat them. Cause i dont know what the flys could have in their stomach. I do wear shorts lol. Imma create a chat to avoid cluttering this post.
I lived in a house that didn't have electric heat, so we relied on a wood stove (aka: fireplace). Problem was; it was on the 1st floor and we slept on the 2nd floor. We did have electric blankets, so sometimes I'd go to bed with the next day's clothes (folded near the foot of my bed) so they would be warm in the morning.
And I usually end up waking up in the middle of the night to take them off.
Edit: Also, close your mouth, you'll catch flies.
Also, you could just wear shorts.