Oh, I'm fourteen already and I still sometimes think this.
· 9 years ago
What's if my entire family died and now I'm living in an insane asylum and all of this is a fig mate of my imagination to keep me from having to face my inevitable grief
I sometimes wonder, everyone has a point of perspective that I can't see. Why am I the only perspective that I actually live in. Has my body been chosen somehow to be put into the world to be experience from my own perspective? Or am I a lone person in some weird alien's experiment and everyone else is just a hallucination? And if so, do they have to abort mission because I am now aware of this experiment? What, no?! Mom, Dad! I don't want to leave you please, aliens in the sky that may or may not be there. Please just erase this from my memory and let me live with the people that my mind has created, you can't just take this away from me!!! And then I turn off the Shower.