Because me fixing a truck in guam is affecting the outcome of combat operations. Furthermore, we aren't in a lot of places where we are actively in combat. Don't speak for us unless you know what it's like for us.
If you've been in for 5 years you should damn well know that not all of the military is actively in combat, you should also know that watch is still stood on off days. There is no reason the paperwork and maintenance can't take a day off if politicians and such get one. We already work six to seven days a week on deployment. Sometimes a one day break to celebrate something like memorial day or veterans day is needed.
· 9 years ago
Indeed I do "damn well" know. And I agree but this is the life we signed up for. Nobody forced you to sign that contract. I don't like politicians anymore than the next guy I just do my job and get over it
That doesn't change the fact of the matter that even those of us in the military can afford a day off. It's not like a 48 or 72 on deployment stops all operations. Watch is still stood on liberty.
Why does everyone on the Internet pull emotions out of nowhere? Please, tell me when I was mad over that? Perhaps more disappointed because my chain of command fucks everyone over? On top of that, the military is nothing of what you guys think of it. It is just as much a business as any other. We literally get paid to go build shit for people, run security, etc. Your kind of logic, however, is exactly the shit that makes people hate active duty, some even to the point of suicide. The logic that goes somewhere close to "you signed up so you aren't a person. You're now a number. Fuck the fact that you're 10,000 miles from home and 10 hours time zone separate you from your wife and kids. Have fun working 12 plus hours a day 6 or 7 days a week, because we can't afford to give you a day off over here in Spain because the terrorists will win." bravo zulu though, on being an idiot and viewing those of us in the military as non human, non emotion having folks that don't deserve a day off.. +1?
People don't want to celebrate a holiday with the people that bombed their families.
· 9 years ago
*clears throat*
It's disappointing how we can't even have a nice dinner with the people we fight with anymore. Even if we have to fight, at least take a break and say, "hey, let's sit down and sing some tunes and then tomorrow we'll pick this back up."
The last time we did stop to celebrate a holiday was back in Vietnam. The anti-communist forces called a cease fire to honor the Vietnamese Tết holiday. So our side actually acknowledged a holiday that we don't even celebrate (as a nation), BUT the communist forces decided that instead of celebrating they would take advantage of this act of kindness. Commencing the Tet Offensive the communist forces launched surprise attacks on several anti-communist controlled cities. We, of course, weren't prepared for this and the results weren't very positive for our side. So after that the US decided that if there is a holiday, we will leave a good portion of our forces working.
>Gets mad when he doesn't get a day off.
Did you even read the Contract?
It's disappointing how we can't even have a nice dinner with the people we fight with anymore. Even if we have to fight, at least take a break and say, "hey, let's sit down and sing some tunes and then tomorrow we'll pick this back up."