We ALWAYS get a " just push yourself a tiny bit and you wouldn't be drowning " and " that's not a lot of weight pulling you down "
NEVER a " let me hold some of those weights for you " or " I'll help pull you up some "
This does not portray life, this portrays depression.
Life does not actually look like this, it's just the way we see it when we're depressed.
This took me 15 years to realize. I hope you will, and faster than I did. Lots of love and support.
I'm not exactly sure of the reason for people commenting "toughen up snowflake" and "get over it" or words to that effect. That's not exactly how depression works, and never before the spideypool incident on this website have I seen such an amount of hate and negativity to those struggling or dealing with depression or mental illness. Telling somebody to "fuck off and deal with it" is never going to make anything better or solve anything, it just makes people less likely to trust and talk to other people about their problems or ask for help. Some of the people in the world wonder why people dealing with this sort of thing don't open up or confront other people or talk about it, and some of the comments on this post are exactly why we don't. Granted, some people ARE doing it for attention and refuse help or refuse to get better and shove everyone off, but honestly sometimes (definitely not all the time) you just have to accept that you can't do anything to help..
*continued*... but never should you assume that everyone that is upset or pointing out the real facts or relate-able issues is just doing it for attention. Sometimes it's all we have.
This comment thread https://funsubstance.com/fun/282465/basically-my-life/
It's ridiculously long and rather repetitive, but it basically shows the different reactions and personalities and opinions put towards ill-feelings... sort of.
I don't think it's so much that people are trying to get other people to feel sorry for them, rather it's more that they feel the Internet is the only place they can vent their true feelings.
Maybe they're calling for help online because people like you basically make them feel like their problems aren't worth shit by telling them they shouldn't complain
@alxx someone finally gets it *hugs*
@man I'm just assuming you have no experience with mental illness or depression, due to the fact you think that it's just that easy. "Calling for help" does not always solve problems, most people including myself would rather suffer in silence and make sure other people are happy. By prioritizing other people, and taking care of ourselves last... when it comes our time to "call for help" we find it difficult or impossible to do, because we're used to acting so strong for so long and the walls don't want to come down. It's NOT about trying to get people to feel sorry for us... ok in some people's cases, possibly - but never assume that's the case unless said person has a history of such actions, because one day they might not be doing it for attention anymore. As alxx said, we turn to the internet because we have nowhere else to go, and because the internet is so large... it feels like somewhere, somebody might relate or feel a connection to us.
Give it a fucking rest already. This whole "I'm so depressed, but no one will know because I put on such a brave face" nonsense is tiresome. You're not fucking depressed. None of you are. Find something else to diagnose yourselves with.
Really ? Wow ! My suicide attempts and cut marks were just for fun ?! My chemical imbalance is just me trying to be a snowflake ?! WELL THEN. I NEVER KNEW. GUESS ALL THAT TROUBLE WAS A WASTE OF FUCKING TIME THEN.
Just ignore the assholes people talking to them makes things worse its like dont get the grimlins wet in this case it's dont talk to assholes
· 9 years ago
To the people on here complaining that we dont know what depression is like and that we don't know what you're going through please refer back to my previous comment. You're not special so stop acting like. Stop romanticizing struggles. I respect people who actually seek out help because they want to get better not people out there trying to get others sympathy.
Romanticizing is NOT the same as searching for shared feelings. Romanticizing is when people say " suicidal people are angels who want to go home " and making it seem less like it is. A post showing what it feels like and people wanting JUST A LITTLE BIT OF FUCKING UNDERSTANDING FOR THE WAY THEY FEEL IS PERFECTLY FINE. You don't help anyone at all by telling them they have no right to search for others to talk with, if anything you just prove that fuckers like you are everywhere.
@underyourbed I've lost a friend to depression. LOST! There was no "attempt" in what she did! She tried her best to fight it. You and the rest of the people who post images online trying to get attention don't know the true meaning of depression. You guys would make her sick.
@korozco wow dude calm down... have you personally experienced depression of such a nature to be able to say it would make your friend sick? Everyone is different, everyone experiences different things and has different reasons for their struggles. I'm not completely disregarding my previous comments, I'm saying that your and her experiences may be and most likely are different from other people's. It's ignorant to assume everybody's depression means the same and is displayed in the same manner.
Yes, korozco, obviously because I am posting pictures online means that MY attempts and self harm aren't valid at all. Thank you for your wisdoms of something YOU DON'T actually have.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people talk about things they don't understand as if they do. A lot of this comment section proves why those people should probably keep their mouths shut.
Agree. I do once experienced what might be described as "suicide tendencies" or "depression" but let's just say, what doesn't kill me might kill other people and I shouldn't have tell people to just swallow it down like I did because, it just doesn't work that way.
Well first of all if someone is about to fall off the edge of a boardwalk you should probably help them regardless of how many weights they may or may not have.
If you're seriously felling this way then instead of looking for Internet attention you should be talking to your friends and family. We can't sit down with you and give you a long talk with lots of hugs, which is what you need. Please get help if you think you need it. No sympathy given if you're just another fake depressed attention seeking whore btw
Not everyone is surrounded by people who care. Some people are in an abusive situation. Hell, some people have sought help and those people didn't take them seriously. And honestly, I have SEVERE depression and a long talk with lots of hugs ISN'T GOING TO HELP MY CHEMICAL IMBALANCE AND FEELINGS OF EXTREME DESPAIR
Have you not noticed that the THREE times I've said it are when someone is questioning my experiences by saying I'm just an attention seeker when they haven't had depression ? It's not like I'm making a bazillion comments saying that I have depression, I've only done it where a reply is needed IN A COMMENT CHAIN ABOUT IT.
And here kids, we see an asshole in its natural habitat. Try not to share your feelings too much; you might scare it away.
· 9 years ago
Toughen up kid. Everyone struggles with their own problems, but not everyone complains about it for sympathy. Life isn't going to get easier so get used to it.
You poor thing. Others are dealing with their own problems and not giving YOU the attention YOU deserve. Maybe you should grow the fuck and deal with it.
NEVER a " let me hold some of those weights for you " or " I'll help pull you up some "
*attaches 10 cinderblocks to legs*
Life does not actually look like this, it's just the way we see it when we're depressed.
This took me 15 years to realize. I hope you will, and faster than I did. Lots of love and support.
It's ridiculously long and rather repetitive, but it basically shows the different reactions and personalities and opinions put towards ill-feelings... sort of.
@man I'm just assuming you have no experience with mental illness or depression, due to the fact you think that it's just that easy. "Calling for help" does not always solve problems, most people including myself would rather suffer in silence and make sure other people are happy. By prioritizing other people, and taking care of ourselves last... when it comes our time to "call for help" we find it difficult or impossible to do, because we're used to acting so strong for so long and the walls don't want to come down. It's NOT about trying to get people to feel sorry for us... ok in some people's cases, possibly - but never assume that's the case unless said person has a history of such actions, because one day they might not be doing it for attention anymore. As alxx said, we turn to the internet because we have nowhere else to go, and because the internet is so large... it feels like somewhere, somebody might relate or feel a connection to us.