But at 17 Steve would have still been a scrawny guy?!?
· 9 years ago
That's so cool, could you imagine this as a TV show. Somehow they were all shrunk to be teens (probably by Tony) and they had to adapt to life. They would have to live as teens, Stark and Banner would blow everything up, Thor and Rogers would have serious problems with technology and they'd all get over protective if anyone looked twice at Romanoff (and that would really piss her off because they all know she doesn't need protection)
· 9 years ago
That would also be such a cool fanfiction, anyone else got ideas they could add?
AHHH!!! This is from a tumblr called ask-the-little-heroes (the url may be off, i'm writing from memory). It features the avengers, x-men, and gotg as younger versions of themselves, but mainly centers on young spiderman and deadpool as friends.