why does this need to be censored?? why do you spell orgasm like this 'org*sm'?? it's not an inappropriate word, it's just a word. like penis or vagina or clitoris. those don't need to be censored. i mean, what the hell?
i mean if you really want to get into it what exactly is the purpose of censoring out the vowels in words that ARE vulgar? is f*ck really less "offensive" than fuck on any plane of thought?
^ muchly agreed.
i didn't know the site censorst it automatically but then if it does indeed do so, why the fuck does it censor 'orgasm'?? does it censor 'headache', too? how about 'tingling'? 'itching'? i'm really curious why are things related to sex viewed as dirty. what's the point? are we not yet out of the fucking dark ages or whatever where they all pretended they were pure and clean and that nobody ever has sex or mastrubates and that babies, what, just drop out of the sky?
i didn't know the site censorst it automatically but then if it does indeed do so, why the fuck does it censor 'orgasm'?? does it censor 'headache', too? how about 'tingling'? 'itching'? i'm really curious why are things related to sex viewed as dirty. what's the point? are we not yet out of the fucking dark ages or whatever where they all pretended they were pure and clean and that nobody ever has sex or mastrubates and that babies, what, just drop out of the sky?