For real, though. I'm a relatively new driver (and yes I like to drive a little bit slower just because driving gives me anxiety) and I HATE when people are assholes - it doesn't make me want to drive any faster and it freaks me out even more.
I've been driving for about two years now, and I usually go the speed limit, maybe 5 over. But I'll be on the interstate, in the left lane, already over the speed limit and then have some jerk tailgating me because I'm not going fast enough for him. There's no reason for you to be tailgating me if I'm already over the speed limit.
I have found the best way to deal with aggressive divers is this: (and I admit it is very offensive, but it works)
When an aggressive drive is tailgating you, and freaking out behind you, slowly pull into an open lane and allow them to pass. As the pass, 90% of the time they will look at you, (and here is the offensive part)
Do your best impression of a physically challenged person, and make yourself look the part and really sell it.
Mouth the words, "I'm so sorry."
You'll feel better when you see the persons face, and they will learn a valuable lesson of being a little more considerate.
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One time a little less than a year ago when I was just starting to drive, I was waiting to turn at a three way intersection, but someone else had the right of way and there was a pedestrian crossing the street. I guess the guy in the giant SUV talking on his cellphone behind me didn't see any of that and just thought I was taking too long, so he started honking at me. Didn't make me move any faster but my sister, who was in the back seat, turned around and flipped him off.
This doesn't change I promise. I've been driving for quite some time and I see it all the time. People, generally, are stupid. But you'll learn to not let strangers bother you. You never know what they have going in their life that makes them need to have road rage, and the opposite is true when you want to drive fast.
I've had a time when I was speeding to the hospital to see the birth of my nephew; another time I couldn't go the speed limit because my best friend has been murdered and I was crying too hard. Life happens.. don't let others impact you and have you make poor decisions driving because of what they have going on. Be safe. And you do you.
· 9 years ago
Yup. I'm a new driver (kinda... I got my Level 1 permit over summer) and the majority of the time, I go the speed limit, sometimes slightly above, and I end up getting tail-gated.
When an aggressive drive is tailgating you, and freaking out behind you, slowly pull into an open lane and allow them to pass. As the pass, 90% of the time they will look at you, (and here is the offensive part)
Do your best impression of a physically challenged person, and make yourself look the part and really sell it.
Mouth the words, "I'm so sorry."
You'll feel better when you see the persons face, and they will learn a valuable lesson of being a little more considerate.
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I've had a time when I was speeding to the hospital to see the birth of my nephew; another time I couldn't go the speed limit because my best friend has been murdered and I was crying too hard. Life happens.. don't let others impact you and have you make poor decisions driving because of what they have going on. Be safe. And you do you.