Ladies be careful at frat parties. Watch the drinks if people make them for you. All lot of frats have more guys willing to rape than you know.
· 9 years ago
That's why its smart to never leave your food or drink unattended. If you have to go to the bathroom, have a friend watch your stuff. That's also another tip: bring a friend with you.
I agree even though I am in a sorority and there are frats that are respectful that I love, there's many that are shifty, racist and all around horrible people.
or how about, guys at frat parties STOP TRYING TO RAPE WOMEN. Instead of women having to change normal behaviour, how about men take control of their actions and stop perpetuating a culture that takes no responsibility for what they are wholly in control of.
i mean its a great notion but in the meanwhile until that happens its kinda necessary to also be prepared for those who behave badly. like how no one should steal but we lock our cars anyways.
While I understand this post was about frat parties, I think it's worth mentioning that people of both genders be careful at any party. Also, women aren't the only victims of rape.
A woman isn't a car.....that argument is used time and time again and it's ridiculous. The problem is the only focus is on how we should "lock our cars" not "how about not stealing that car". A few weeks ago a woman was walking at 1pm through a popular park listening to music, she was grabbed and raped, the police then said we should all be carfula nd vigilant and probably shouldn't wear fucking 1pm in broad daylight? At what point do we say enough is enough?
Also it's not a "great notion" it's a basic level of being a human. I will never stop expecting men to treat me with respect and decency, because I believe men are better than what they're told are by police and politicians, they are in control of their actions, they are not penis driven beasts - unable to control themselves like dogs, they are as responsible as women, so let's get them to live up to that responsibility...I have to.
AGAIN yes it SHOULD BE that way but its NOT and while it is NOT that way we do need to WORK TO MAKE IT THAT WAY but you must still exert the care because it DOES happen. no one should be murdered but we lock our doors while we sleep, no one should be hit but we learn self defense, no one should bring weapons on planes but we check to make sure they aren't anyways. even if you raise 100% every man from here on out right to believe in equality and all the bells and whistles that go with it, it is still important to emphasize that in the meanwhile you should do xyz to protect yourself. and you know what! its not just to protect from rape its to protect form all that other shit, and frankly the same cautions need to be taken by men, people suck and will hurt you if you are not moderately careful and getting pissed at people who want you to be careful is stupid. like i get the over the top shit, like some posting advising women to have short hair and not dress certain ways, yeah, thats
bullshit. but "hey someone is actively raping here in this location please be careful and dont wear headphones" is solid advice. and you target the message for petes sake, you tell people who might be robbed to do things not to be robbed, and you focus on people you think might be stealing cars to get them to stop stealing cars. don't let just anyone give you a damn drink, male or female, cuz they might not just be trying to rape you, maybe they want to steal from you or kidnap you or just make you look stupid cuz people are assholes. simply advising caution in risky situations is NOT sexist.
Meowington, are you seriously calling me sexist for trying to advise younger women of the possible dangers of frats? So I should say nothing and just let it happen?