A lot of republicans make themselves look ridiculous.
· 9 years ago
I do agree. It irks me when I head people talk about who they are voting for when I know for a fact they haven't don't any of their own research and just go by what they hear other people say or assumptions
Question...How reliable is the site politifact? I go there after debates and it's interesting to see their findings. If it's legit, then a certain candidate appears to be fairly honest most of the time (still a politician...buyer beware). ***sorry not fun.
Right on...Politifact feeds my need to have a quick and tidy bullshit detector whole also making me feel like a responsible drive thru citizen...do you use any other sites?
living in america is really weird mainly because there's so much water in the toilets and such huge serving sizes and for some ungodly reason we have fucking fried butter
That's why I follow foreign news - it may not be unbiased, but at least it's often a different bias. I also follow anti-media on facebook, which again is biased, but has a fresh bias that seems more accurate. I think it's impossible to find a bias-free news source. None of the major ones are reliable, that's for sure.