Presenting any project in front of people is so nerve wrecking. I wouldn't blame her. Something like that can just mentally destroy someone with social anxiety.
Some people are okay with presenting and some aren't. I just wish teacher could recognize that, even though presentations can be "good for you" and they're ok every once in a while they shouldn't have to be done too much if they cause so much stress on someone.
A guy in my class last year did it too, he's a really good friend but has severe social anxiety and had found out that his mum had cancer the previous night but so many people were being assholes to him and insulting his masculenity with no clue what was actually going on
I was salutatorian of my class and had to give a speech at graduation. I was already freaking out about having to talk in front of a huge group of people, but halfway through my speech I lost my place and totally forgot what I was going to say. I panicked and started hyperventilating and almost threw up. I just ran back to my seat and the guy sitting next to was all like "oh my god we thought you were gonna pass out. That would have been so cool." Yes, thank you for your support.
No shit, that speaks for itself, but I've never heard an episode so severe it made someone cry. I don't understand why these users are so pissed at a valid question.
Yeah I have to agree, I dont understand why you guys got so upset. Anxiety could be a part, not shunning that idea, but why deny the possibility of this as well?