By no means defending Davis, but the nature of her job changed and conflicted with her religious beliefs. I don't believe she had the right to do what she did, but if she felt so strongly why didn't she just quit?
I don't really think it will infiltrate the menial customer service-based jobs because they can easily be fired and replaced, due to the masses of unemployed. In one of my classes, a girl refused, on some sort of religious reason, to decapitate live flies to analyze their eye pigments with TLC. The professor made arrangements for someone else to complete that task for her; personally, I would have given her a 0 on the lab and explained that she needs to change her prospective career.
TL;DR if you know there are aspects of your job that go against something you strongly believe in, pick a different job.
I'm not Catholic but my Catholic friend told me that any form of birth control is forbidden. It is believed if a child is conceived, it is God's will. I may be wrong though. Like I said I'm not Catholic and she isn't a practicing one.
I'm a practising catholic and the church teaches that using contraception is 'playing God' as you are making sure sex doesn't lead to a baby (what sex is intended for.) however the majority of Catholics I know do not share this belief as we recognise the need for contraception and, frankly, it's a bit old fashioned. Even the pope is becoming more lenient over it.
This is why Christians Muslims and other religions will be persecuted just as all of them have predicted. Not because religion is bad but because people cannot handle it.
can anyone tell me why they think we're heading this way? I'm Christian and a cashier and I would let a guy by 50 condoms, 20 bottles of beer, and an atheist book. it's his life not mine. why do people need to make Christians out as these horrible monsters?
Because people seem to equate the actions or words of the few as the actions or words of the whole group. This is a logical fallacy of hasty generalization.
No we're not. I have no doubt that this sort of policy would be dragged through the courts and, based of off recent case tests such as the Lemon test or even or the Smith test, or even the reinstatement of Sherbert under RFRA, this type of thing wouldn't happen. Pretty sure that's way too much of a burden on the corporation and not enough of the religion. Stop overreacting.
TL;DR if you know there are aspects of your job that go against something you strongly believe in, pick a different job.