While I understand where you're coming from, the two aren't mutually exclusive. Personally, I wish women like Janet Yellen and Marissa Meyer were championed more!
Idk, I think it would say something about society if people were pissed that a woman didn't wear makeup.
· 9 years ago
It doesn't actually anger society though. Some of them have such skewed views on society that what they do to anger society just confuses society instead. I don't wear makeup and no one has ever stopped me on the street to yell at me for my lack of makeup.
I think what they are expressing is that they don't HAVE to do anything society tells them to, to make them socially acceptable. It's basically saying screw you to people who don't like that they do this. Honestly I couldn't care less about it, if you want to have braided purple armpit hair while running around without a bra that's your thing then awesome. Not something I'd do, but you go for it
rbt, I understand what you're saying but my question is this, what does it matter to you? I assume you are all for feminism and equal rights as you have posted this and mentioned female empowerment (you also seem like a decent person), but how does it affect you if these women choose to act in this manner? It certainly isn't harming anybody, and although I agree it seems somewhat unconventional, they are certainly proving a point in what they do. If men can be socially accepted as non bra wearing, hairy armpited people then why can't women be socially accepted as that? I guess what I'm saying is, at the end of the day, who cares?
Women that choose to act in this manner may not be harming anyone, but they may be harming the advancement of feminism. At the end of the day, the women that are more radical in how they express their empowerment, in the form of bra burning, armpit hair dying and the like aren't looked favorably on by many people. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that's the current status quo.
Fair opinion. I admit that until recently I myself certainly looked down upon such women, as I did not understand why they would do this or how it advanced equality. Of late I have been following a lot about feminism and looking into some self proclaimed feminists (notably Caitlin stasey, who has an interesting website called herself, if anyone is interested. Be warned there is non-sexual nudity on the site) and it has swayed my opinion on the different methods people have tried. At the end of the day, as long as you agree that equality is something to strive for, for both genders then you go about it in whatever way you think best. :)
yeah nice but point is that everyone's valid, including the women (or men, for that matter) who decide to stay at home and be housewives. you don't have to be a super-hacker/ceo/disgustingly rich to proove you're worth more than a trashcan. it shouldn't work like that. Everyone should be respected and treated well by the society, no matter what kind of a 'career' they decide to pursue and regardless of their gender, etc.
It does mean something...
The CEO of yahoo was publicly judged for taking a short maternity leave. Jennifer Lawrence had nude pictures of her spread all over the internet. Even powerful, wealthy women face discrimination.
First, I love wearing, bras, make up and shaving my legs, but not doing these things can also be a sign of taking ownership of your body. We still have to fight for both legal and emotional ownership of our own bodies. So don't tell me it's nothing!
How about we as women just do what ever the fuck we wanna do and celebrate and support each other and allow ourselves and other women to feel free enough to live her life how she wants, free of judgement and labeling and giver each other a hug and a pat on the damn back?
" what did you major in ? "
" women's gender studies "
The CEO of yahoo was publicly judged for taking a short maternity leave. Jennifer Lawrence had nude pictures of her spread all over the internet. Even powerful, wealthy women face discrimination.
First, I love wearing, bras, make up and shaving my legs, but not doing these things can also be a sign of taking ownership of your body. We still have to fight for both legal and emotional ownership of our own bodies. So don't tell me it's nothing!