They're not really your friends if they called you stupid for that. It would be one thing for them to try to correct you, but they didn't.
However, there is evidence that birds descended from dinosaurs.
I've only really heard about some, that's why I didn't go into detail. I didn't want to say something that was potentially incorrect and possibly start a shit storm online.
you have human and reptilian tracks in the same current active riverbed... followed by a pile of bones whereever that alligator or croc or komodo dragon or whathaveyou caught that human
Not all people that believe in God stupidly dismiss scientific evidence. Yeah, I believe in God creating, but I think he probably used evolution, th big bang, etc to create us. (At least assuming those theories are true)
nonono people who believe in god are different from Creationists. Creationists are followers of an extremely antiquated interpretation of Christian belief which says Earth was created 6,000 years ago. If you are smart enough to understand that the Earth is not 6000 years old, then my comment didn't target people like you, don't worry. If you DO think Earth is 6,000 years old, then you can't really be called a mentally healthy human being.
This post is so cringy. Not the fact that his friends are stupid, just you as a persona re cringy for posting this. Why does anybody care about your friends thinking something other than what you think.
· 9 years ago
There's nothing wrong with having different opinions. My best friend of 8 years and I constantly disagree about certain subjects and have polite discussions over them. However, if I'm wrong about something factual she'll judge, call me a dumbass, and educate me about what's up, then I can never live it down and vice versa.
Well, rbt, they may think something different but this is science, it's not really a place for opinions, just theories. And it's more relating to people not believing a widely believed thing with numerous amounts of evidence.
Second, jesshawaka, I have friends like that. l type normally like this ALL the time. But my friend uses text talk. I don't mind it as I can easily read it, but if I make even a simple typo ( dteam instead of dream ) he'll act like he doesn't understand what I'm saying until I correct the typo. Even though the context of the conversation is about dreams we had.
We do something similar, using your example if she types dteam instead of dream I'll use her exact misspelling in a sentence "that is one gosh darn crazy dteam you got there" and keep going til it annoys her. If you can't mess with your friends when they do something stupid then who are you supposed to mess with?
oh hey i believe that the sky is bright red at all times. hey it's my opinion!!11!11!!11 SEE HOW FUCKING RETARDED THAT SOUNDS?! Guess what it sounds that way when you say your retarded belief is equally as valid as a scientific fact. Science is not opinion, you dumb cunt.
· 9 years ago
Well that's one way of putting it. Plus there's nothing cringy about this post they called him/her stupid for stating a scientific fact so why can't he/she point out their actual stupidity to everyone else?
· 9 years ago
Sorry, man, but they're not real friends. If they don't accept your opinion...
and what's with all of you tumblr ass pussies saying shit like 'they're not your friends' Haven't you guys EVER called your friends stupid before? what the fuck kind of pussies are you guys?!
No. Every damn time I see a post like this, I see pussies like this saying 'that means they're not your friends' Oh ok, so a friend is NEVER gonna insult you or disagree with you? How fucked up of a mentality is that?
· 9 years ago
Yes, well of course. We hace our own disagrees. But when your friends are so mean with you, you have to do something.
And you're just a cold asshole who doesn't care about anyone's feelings if they're nothing but strong
Good luck ever having any deep relationships if you can't even handle that some people who you see comment a couple times on the internet don't want to surround themselves with negativity as if it's going to completely affect your whole fucking way of life
If anything, that makes you the emotional and weak one since whenever someone comments about not liking something you throw a holy hissy fit
Dude, under your bed, you've stated multiple times that you're an emotionally unstable suicidal person (and the amount of times you've said this adds the adjective 'attentionwhore' to your description) so I understand that you think 'friends' have to act like they're walking in thin ice around you, but that's not called friendship. If your friend has so stay 20m away from you at all times and tiptoe around you just so you don't shatter, that means something is fucked up about your relationship. If you can be honest to each other, joke around with insults, and open up at all, then THAT IS NOT FRIENDSHIP. Stop advocating for weakness and idiocy, and go cry somewhere else. Or better yet, go on another rant about how you almost killed yourself three times or some bullshit like that.
I've said that I'm depressed and have a couple other rental illnesses a FEW times on this website, and only on comment chains where it calls for it or when someone brings something about it up trying to invalidate me.
I'm not saying friends have to stay away and walk on eggshells, but not everyone thinks you have to joke rudely about shit that isn't their humor. It's like if your friend just miscarried and they made dead baby jokes, that shit isn't okay. PEOPLE CAN CHOOSE TO BE FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE WHO DON'T LAUGH AT THE SAME THINGS THEY DO AND THINK SOME THINGS SHOULDN'T BE JOKED ABOUT, OTHERWISE EVERYONE WOULD BE ABLE TO BE FRIENDS.
You need to stop being a shitty person and claiming any emotion is a crutch and that anyone who has problems needs to go kill themselves
Yea but I am not saying make dead baby jokes when your friend has a miscarriage, you dumb animal. Look at the context. This kid is saying that OP's friends are not 'real friends' because they laughed and called OP stupid. If that is not the most weak and stupid shit ever to you, you're a lost cause.
I'm the dumb animal, says the person who rages when someone doesn't want to be made fun of by people who are supposed to care for them.
Obviously OP doesn't like being called stupid when they're right, did OP cry and act like a little bitch about it ? No. Did OP throw a fit and complain how no one understand them ? No. They made a meme about how their friends were being idiots but you want to turn it around and make it seem like someone was being overdramatic and the only one doing that here is you, you fucking shit.
Yeah, I'm looking at it. I see you going from an understandable comment about how his friends are stupid to going apeshit about everyone being pussies with LITERALLY NO incentive to do so
You don't understand, do you. They are saying the people who insult you aren't your real friends. Well, welcome to the real world, where you ARENT in an episode of fucking Caillou, where everyone is all gushy and sappy. THAT is what I was reacting to.
Maybe people don't want friends who insult them, it isn't your fucking life ! Let them choose who they want to be friends with.
Jesus Christ, do you not understand that people don't have to think the same way as you ? Are you so narrow minded ?
And your reaction was uncalled for either way. I get your first comment, it's understandable, but you were unprovoked in calling them pussies and being rude as shit.
Yeah, but they were rude about it, dipshit. People can choose for themselves who's advice to follow but it seems more likely people would rather agree with them than you because of how rudely your point was put.
However, there is evidence that birds descended from dinosaurs.
Second, jesshawaka, I have friends like that. l type normally like this ALL the time. But my friend uses text talk. I don't mind it as I can easily read it, but if I make even a simple typo ( dteam instead of dream ) he'll act like he doesn't understand what I'm saying until I correct the typo. Even though the context of the conversation is about dreams we had.
Good luck ever having any deep relationships if you can't even handle that some people who you see comment a couple times on the internet don't want to surround themselves with negativity as if it's going to completely affect your whole fucking way of life
If anything, that makes you the emotional and weak one since whenever someone comments about not liking something you throw a holy hissy fit
I'm not saying friends have to stay away and walk on eggshells, but not everyone thinks you have to joke rudely about shit that isn't their humor. It's like if your friend just miscarried and they made dead baby jokes, that shit isn't okay. PEOPLE CAN CHOOSE TO BE FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE WHO DON'T LAUGH AT THE SAME THINGS THEY DO AND THINK SOME THINGS SHOULDN'T BE JOKED ABOUT, OTHERWISE EVERYONE WOULD BE ABLE TO BE FRIENDS.
You need to stop being a shitty person and claiming any emotion is a crutch and that anyone who has problems needs to go kill themselves
Obviously OP doesn't like being called stupid when they're right, did OP cry and act like a little bitch about it ? No. Did OP throw a fit and complain how no one understand them ? No. They made a meme about how their friends were being idiots but you want to turn it around and make it seem like someone was being overdramatic and the only one doing that here is you, you fucking shit.
Jesus Christ, do you not understand that people don't have to think the same way as you ? Are you so narrow minded ?
And your reaction was uncalled for either way. I get your first comment, it's understandable, but you were unprovoked in calling them pussies and being rude as shit.