Looks like an ADULT class. Things are different when you mature a little. We can't all party and live off mommy and daddy while we waste time on a useless liberal arts degree cause we're bored. Adults sometimes have to compromise for a better life and this professor gets it. Props to the proff.
This is apparently a class of adults, and I'm sure they understood and agreed. I am a working adult and am currently back in school myself, and have been lucky enough that most of my classes have been mostly adults so far. Also most of my professors have been understanding of the different needs of the adult learner. No one has had to bring a child so far, but a few of my professors have stated they were understanding and would allow it if necessary. As I said, things are different for us grownups. Besides I fail to see how the professor keeping the child QUIET is DISRUPTIVE behavior.
It doesn't matter if they agreed, it's still a sub-par environment. He's a good person, but his altruism is compromising his professionalism as a professor.
Also, if he had to quiet the baby, the baby was obviously being loud, and my concern is with the fact that he's allowing the child to remain in the classroom.
>sub-par environment
>apparently disruptive for quieting a baby
>cute baby
>so far I see no problems
>kicking someone out would be more disruptive
Why are you grinding on this insult?
>doesn't see a problem with a sub-par environment or a disruptive activity
>thinks taking the time to quiet a baby is less disruptive than just telling someone to leave
Why would you bring your new born to class?!? Just because you fucked up your life doesn't mean you should make your classmates suffer for it. Irresponsible mothers are disgusting!
You don't know her life. You are disgusting for judging a person based on one picture, and hey, a girls got to do what a girls gotta do. How do you even know that she fucked up her life? She could be perfectly happy, and we don't know what her classmates are thinking. They are probably just enjoying the cute moment, unlike SOME people.
Wow that's a lot of unwarranted hatred korozco. Irresponsible mother? You know her personally? Like tdgguest and iccarus said, she is obviously trying to better her life and still take care of her child, what an irresponsible person! Perhaps the baby's father died. Perhaps he is busting his ass working to take care of his family. Perhaps everything went to shit for her along with the economy. She is taking steps to give her child a better life instead of abandoning it, giving it away, or sitting on her ass collecting welfare. Seems pretty responsible to me. As I said, things are sometimes different for us grownups. It doesn't matter what your age is, you are obviously a mean, spoiled, child. And pathetic.
· 9 years ago
@guestwho let me guess you're one of those pathetic 30 year old undergraduates who thinks they're mature solely based on their age? HAHAHA "spoiled" that's rich, I'm putting myself through college, sounds pretty "grownup" to me or is your definition of a "grownup" an idiotic individual who disrupts class? Yes I do have a strong dislike for people who decide to disrupt class in any manner because guess what I go to class and respectfully sit there while the professor teaches instead of making noise like those students who feel entitled because they paid for the class
>awesome professor
Also, if he had to quiet the baby, the baby was obviously being loud, and my concern is with the fact that he's allowing the child to remain in the classroom.
>apparently disruptive for quieting a baby
>cute baby
>so far I see no problems
>kicking someone out would be more disruptive
Why are you grinding on this insult?
>doesn't see a problem with a sub-par environment or a disruptive activity
>thinks taking the time to quiet a baby is less disruptive than just telling someone to leave