Quit your b*tching and just work hard
9 years ago by deleted · 516 Likes · 5 comments · Trending
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· 9 years ago
Y'all do realize there's a job market crash still on, right?
· 9 years ago
Still doesn't mean the world owes you anything. And it's still possible to get a job be it you are of working age
· 9 years ago
I've had 4 jobs in the last 8 months and I don't even have my high school diploma yet. Where is the crash?
· 9 years ago
The crash was years ago. We're sitting at 5% unemployment (in the US) with it likely to dip below that here in a month or two. If you can't find a job, you're just not looking in the right place.
· 9 years ago
I agree with the sentiment of this with the caveat that I don't have a problem with people who are without jobs when they're actively trying to get a job or create one. The people I have problems with are those who don't even try and just blame the "job market" or for some strange reason seem to think that just because they're struggling with their income, businesses should "give them a break". I can have sympathy for someone but the bottom line is businesses exist to make money, the end. If you can't afford something either do without or work harder. (Not counting basic needs everyone has, food, clothing, shelter.)
Edited 9 years ago