I would happily accept a family into my home, if only there were room. I can'y believe the stupidity and hate being spewed by some of my fellow Americans.
· 9 years ago
I agree wholeheartedly. A few bad apples can't spoil the barrel, and people fail to realize that.
Some of the hate spewed on syrians and Muslims in general is so sad, wish more were like this. I go to a Catholic school and I have a teacher that literally said "what's the difference between a Catholic and Muslim martyr? The Catholic is killed because of their faith, a Muslim kills themselves in the process of trying to kill others"
Yes, well, the Crusades were nearly one thousand years ago. Now we know not to kill people based on their belief systems. Or at least most of us do. Let's try and limit our arguments to within the last, I don't know, century or so. What a small group of people can do with the right equipment, training, and motivation, is devastating, to say the least. These radical muslims have the right equipment, the right training, and the right motivation, what with the whole immortal soul eternal paradise thing, but guess what? They aren't a small group. There are about 1.6 billion muslims worldwide. If only 10% are radical, that is still 160,000,000 radical muslims. Now, there were plans for 80000 refugees to come to America. Even if only 1% is radical, that is still 800 radical muslims. The attacks in Paris were carried out by seven people in a country where guns are illegal. Imagine what 800 can do in a country where guns are fucking everywhere.
"Now we know not to kill people based on their belief systems. Or at least most of us do." - yea, right. "most" leaves quite a rest and thats the point.
I don't know where you are pulling your figures from, but please go wash your hands. And if you want to limit the discussion to the last 100 years, just think of the irish civil war. Think of the violent aggression between christian and muslim populations in central africa. Think of violent anti-abortionists. Think of violent homophobe crimes in the name of christian religion.
You are absolutely right. Perhaps my last post was worded incorrectly. In no way do I mean to advocate radical Christianity while decrying radical Islam. This post was about Muslim refugees, and so I focused on Islam to the exclusion of other religions, which was perhaps the wrong way to get my point across.
in Canada they are only taking women , children and, families. If this was the intake plan for America i would have no problems welcoming these people. Canada also has one tenth the population of the U.S.A and an abundance of water. while the all Muslims are bad idea is horrid these are two very different setups and circumstances for these countries and we should keep that in mind and not compare them to much
source about policy
I love this. It's very similar to the US in the 1800's. Lots of land and let folks develop it. We Americans should do the same thing with Idaho and Wyoming.
Fun fact: to house all these people they're basically telling a bunch of military people to pack their shit and giving their housing to the refugees. 5 days notice, gtfo because we got some more refugees.
I don't know where you are pulling your figures from, but please go wash your hands. And if you want to limit the discussion to the last 100 years, just think of the irish civil war. Think of the violent aggression between christian and muslim populations in central africa. Think of violent anti-abortionists. Think of violent homophobe crimes in the name of christian religion.
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