That was his point.... Even though they were the professionals, their ship still sank, and even though Noah was an amateur, he tried something new and it was successful.
There's a whole conspiracy going on about how the titanic was made so it would purposely sink though... If that's true i guess they did a good job? Kind of..?
· 9 years ago
If both boats went up against an iceberg you best believe that the Ark would get wrecked worse than the titanic
Guest, how much? Is it about as douchey as people who use these same fake stories as an excuse for hate and violence? Or, by your standards, even more? I'm only saying that we can't treat religious stories with any more credibility than other fictional stories as they're all just written by people. They serve rather as the "moral of the story" kind. If you honestly believe everything in the Bible happened, then I have nothing more to say to you.
Stoner, sure, because his comments are 100% original and don't come from anywhere, possibly from somewhere I have them from as well or anything.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Do you even know why I said it? I think not based on your response
No. Because you like to nitpick instead of contributing to the conversation and its actual topic?
· 9 years ago
Lol kind of like how you were nitpicking on your original comment.... you also said "They serve rather as the "moral of the story" kind". Well that's what the post is saying, moral of the story don't be afraid to try something new....
Yes, with the exception that I said something concerning the topic of the post, and you basically just went "lol your comment reminds me of someone else's". How is that contribution?
Yes, so we're to treat every fictional story as truth and create other "inspirational" things from it? Taking inspiration in fictional stories isn't the problem, the problem is comparing a fictional situation with a real one. The fictional one will always win, creating a false sense of ambition in less educated folks. Should I tell everyone about how Sailor Moon got magical powers so we should all leave school and work and instead go try to discover ours, thinking it will inspire them to "try something new"? Or about how Harry approached Buckbeak and succeeded, so we should all just go pet wild bears, for the sake of "trying something new"?
· 9 years ago
It's motivational you nitwit not saying go pet bears idiots will be idiots but smart people will see it for what it is... oh no I nit picked on your comment it's still a contributon to the comments
The most part of the population are idiots, and these sayings only serve to control the masses. This particular one is meant to make people feel more daring and consequently more productive. We're basically bullshitting each other into happiness with these. I see it as it is, you see it as an inspirational post with rainbows and unicorns.
You seem to confuse discussing a topic and nitpicking. Let me explain it to you then. Reacting to my comment and its point straightforward is discussion, but what you did before was nitpicking. I am sorry to inform you that your attempt at sarcasm has failed.
· 9 years ago
Ah so when you admitted what you did was nitpicking it was, but now it isn't nitpicking ok gotchya. I never said it was inspirational I said it was motivational your attempt at assuming has failed.
Not at all. I had already said that what I did was nitpicking, however it was relevant to the topic. Basically I pointed out the bullshit in it, if you call it nitpicking or not is up to you. Later on, you responded directly to the general point of my comment, which is just argumentation. Now you are doing it again, however. You ignored the main point and instead reacted to a minor thing.
I had hoped to turn this into a conversation about how controlling the masses with false feelings of accomplishment is wrong, instead I have to explain the difference between nitpicking and discussing something like to a five year old.
· 9 years ago
Well we have talked about how it was supposed to motivate people but you're one of the controlling the masses and sheeple kind of people.... ok carry on
"Kind of people"? Do you, like, not know that the herd instinct exists? Individuals often start to believe what the rest believes, or at least pretend to even though they may disagree because it makes them a part of society. Dismissing this obvious fact, you may as well still believe in creation theory.
· 9 years ago
And how do you know you're not following your herd instinct by believing what you believe
Have you ever like went outside and met an actual human being? Most of them don't even think about things. Thinking about things you read or hear instead of instantly believing them is almost a sign of breaking the instinct.
· 9 years ago
Avoiding the question? I do not instantly believe anything I hear or see or read. I think for myself.
I transfered, from an athiest like yourself , to a christian. I thought through it all and examined both sides. And i believe what i believe though everyone around me is just like you, aggressively reading through the script to try to talk me out of what i believe. Im sorry but a bird turning into a slightly different same species of bird isnt enough for me
If you think that evolution is "a bird turning into a slightly different same species" you haven't fucking 'examined' both sides extensively enough. You shouldn't fucking preach shit until you understand what you are talking about.
Thats not what it is but its the only real "evidence" ive dug up for evolution after years of searching. Please, provide me with some of your extensive knowledge internet nerd.
That was his point.... Even though they were the professionals, their ship still sank, and even though Noah was an amateur, he tried something new and it was successful.
Yeah. No.
Yeah. No.
Stoner, sure, because his comments are 100% original and don't come from anywhere, possibly from somewhere I have them from as well or anything.
Yes, so we're to treat every fictional story as truth and create other "inspirational" things from it? Taking inspiration in fictional stories isn't the problem, the problem is comparing a fictional situation with a real one. The fictional one will always win, creating a false sense of ambition in less educated folks. Should I tell everyone about how Sailor Moon got magical powers so we should all leave school and work and instead go try to discover ours, thinking it will inspire them to "try something new"? Or about how Harry approached Buckbeak and succeeded, so we should all just go pet wild bears, for the sake of "trying something new"?
You seem to confuse discussing a topic and nitpicking. Let me explain it to you then. Reacting to my comment and its point straightforward is discussion, but what you did before was nitpicking. I am sorry to inform you that your attempt at sarcasm has failed.
I had hoped to turn this into a conversation about how controlling the masses with false feelings of accomplishment is wrong, instead I have to explain the difference between nitpicking and discussing something like to a five year old.