Honestly my mother is depressed since the day I've been born. She's also manipulative, narcistic, and just plain mean. She also cries a lot but I just can't care anymore.
No one in a family is perfect but we only really get one family in our lives- maybe challenge yourself to show compassion to your mother and understand her instead of picking out the bad things in her. Nice rant over :)
· 9 years ago
when I saw my mum cry for the first time it felt like my heart was falling
my mother has cried in front of me twice. When she almost killed my little brother with her car, because he grabbed onto the handle and she drove away.
And recently, when some sick fuck shot our dog right in front of my little brothers on the road. I miss him so much.
Hey, if you're ever feeling down about your dog, just know that the man who shot your dog is most likely in an asylum, because you're probably not the only victim of that heinous crime.
And recently, when some sick fuck shot our dog right in front of my little brothers on the road. I miss him so much.