People need to understand this shit
9 years ago by zanjnk · 2390 Likes · 15 comments · Popular
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· 9 years ago
Idk man bombs are scary af
· 9 years ago
Yes, but have you seen what algebra can do to people?
· 9 years ago
Technically, the atomic bomb exists because of algebra.
· 9 years ago
Algebra? Can someone explain what he means?
· 9 years ago
Much mathematics (and philosophy and what became science, etc) comes from Islamic scholars in like the 8th century. Including algebra.
· 9 years ago
He's sort of an ignorant twat desperately trying to be "PC." hope that cleared it up for you.
· 9 years ago
The sad thing is when Algebra starts making sense and you do fine, then they throw Calculus in your face.
· 9 years ago
Don't even bring up that word. My senior year of high school and I thought I was done with math. Then my mom makes me take trig and calculus. Just because she taught it she thought it was easy. My mom was a math teacher with a daughter who was diagnosed with a math learning disability in 8th grade. She couldn't deal with it.
· 6 years ago
Calculus is the absolute fucking worst. It’s not even useful in most situations because either there’s an easier algebraic way to solve the equation or there’s just no need for it. Name one time the average pharmacist has to calculate the volume of a 3D object based of the 2D equations. -a very tired AP calculus student
· 9 years ago
The roots of algebra can be traced to the ancient Babylonians,[9] who developed an advanced arithmetical system with which they were able to do calculations in an algorithmic fashion. The Babylonians developed formulas to calculate solutions for problems typically solved today by using linear equations, quadratic equations, and indeterminate linear equations. By contrast, most Egyptians of this era, as well as Greek and Chinese mathematics in the 1st millennium BC, usually solved such equations by geometric methods, such as those described in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, Euclid's Elements, and The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art. The geometric work of the Greeks, typified in the Elements, provided the framework for generalizing formulae beyond the solution of particular problems into more general systems of stating and solving equations, although this would not be realized until mathematics developed in medieval Islam.[10] ---Wikipedia.
· 9 years ago
Babylon was long gone before Mohammed invented Islam. So, there's no math you can credit to "Islamic scholars." A lot of math may have been developed in Egypt, and Egypt may be Muslim *now,* but all that math was prior to that. So, no math came from any of the backwards Muslim thoughts.
· 9 years ago
You're just wrong.
· 9 years ago
And...terrorists? I mean, look at the FACTS, mate! I have nothing against Muslims, but look how many of the recent shooters/terrorists have been Muslim!
· 9 years ago
Not really Muslim, just claim to be in order to use religion to further their agenda. Same with any other religious extremists.
· 9 years ago
That could be true. Good point, mate.