IMO, not in terms of humanity did her children deserve dying. It should never be fun for majority of people to curse someone dying or judge someone if they should die as well. But in terms of the kind of genes her children are getting from, I see the points from chocolate. (Check the website Darwin Awards)
· 9 years ago
See, while I'm against certain vaccines (simply because a few of them are unnecessary), it's idiotic to not get some of the vaccines, like whooping cough, seeing as it's potentially fatal.
Flu shots aren't all that important, and I have no problem with not having had one in years, Tetanus really isn't that important unless you step on something or whatever and even then you can get the shot retroactively. Some people would say Shingles is unnecessary but I have to get that one because of having already had shingles (which can come back, fyi)
· 9 years ago
(Sorry I haven't responded yet, I was at work). Anywho, I agree with lazybutcozy. Flu vaccines seem unnecessary, as does chicken pox. Hep vaccines also seem unneeded unless you're doing something that will involve blood-to-blood contact, like certain rough sports and such.
The chicken pox for the most part isn't important, but really only when you're little. If you get it as an adult you can get a whole bunch of medical issues, the most well known is becoming sterile.
· 9 years ago
True, so maybe get that done as an adult. I mean, I had the chicken pox as a kid, and the shingles (though I can get the shingles again) so I'm good, and now have a natural immunity to the chicken pox.
Lots of people die of flu every winter, especially old and infirm ones. It is recommended that people with underlying health problems should get flu vaccinations.
· 9 years ago
Then that's a good reason to get it. However, the people who have good immune systems and such really shouldn't worry about getting a Flu shot.
Yes there is.. For example you really don't need to get a flu shot unless you have a weakened immune system but you should definitely get vacinated for things like polio and measles
That's nice and all, but whooping cough isn't that dangerous. Lots of kids get it, don't die, and never get it again. Before vaccines it was just something everyone got when they were young, no biggie.
It CAN kill you