Fruitcake, what does that mean? You can like a band but not the singer, but how you not fancy a person but have a poster of them in your room? With a :3 face??)
ive got a poster of the singer on my wall, but yeah youve got a point. even if you have a poster of someone, anyone, it doesnt mean you fancy her. maybe she's not making a :3 face in the poster
my previous comment was poorly worded, yes
I'm gay. I have a poster on my wall of Ariana Grande. I don't fancy her. I also have Ke$ha on my wall. I don't fancy her either. I have Brendon Urie, My Chemical Romance and Mika on my wall too. (as much as they are attractive) I sstill don't fancy either of them.
my previous comment was poorly worded, yes