How does the other writers do it?! I mean, I know, it takes lot of pain, tears, frustation, blood, midnight snacks and stuff, but seriously, I've been writting for 6 years and couldn't even finish a perfectt chapter (actually, I was writting the eleventh, but then I re-read it and realized it's just Danny Phantom as Harry Potter, working with Edward Cullen and Jacob Black for the S.H.I.E.L.D, specialized as Grim Reaper, to protect the Underworld from ninja demons)
Or just write it on a computer. You know, the easy way.
· 9 years ago
You.. originally write it on a computer.. and then print it and edit. And then edit it on the computer. And then print and re-edit. And repeat. And repeat. And look for an agent and send in a manuscript. Blah de blah, basically, there is no easy way to write a book that will get it published.
I still wanna try it.
I'm about 180 pages in on what I intend to be about 300 pages, on the first draft.
...and you guys will probably be among the first to know when I get published. I just hope my post about it doesn't get taken down as "spam."