but when you post a picture from this site onto others, it has this site's website address. This is literally the exact same thing, no matter what you call it. Ergo, it's a watermark.
It's giving credit to the author. Not a host site. If I were to post something from theoatmeal.com, I'd make damn sure that somewhere theoatmeal.com is mentioned because he's the author. Now if it's a rehosting like ifunee or neingag or funeejunk yeah it's a watermark.
He's actually got the right to call anyone a cunt, what with free speech and all. The website has the right to remove the post, and you have the right to report him for calling you a cunt. :)
Mergy, while that is very much correct, there's a difference between a watermark and attempted insulting.
There's virtually no reason to report, because:
A. He could be joking
B. It's not gonna matter tomorrow anyway.
well I just know how hard artists work for little to no pay and then someone like YOU is just like "ha what a nice cartoon.... However I hope no one gets to see anything else the artist creates that could help an artist get there name out there BECAUSE IM A CUNT"
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Lenny, the joke ends here.
There's no reason for you to act like this; after gnus I'm leaving the post, and if you keep calling me a cunt on other posts I'm going to report your account.
Who said banning would be immediate? I'd assume there are simple reprimands they can do.
And if you actually read my comment, you'll see that I said, "and if you keep calling me a cunt on other posts", bullying, "I'm going to report your account."
basically user bookhoarder was cyberstalked by a guest for several months and things went rather badly and most of us think it could have been handled better but it's all in the past now but I'd really like to not see anything close to that magnitude of nastiness for a while.
I'm not gonna report, tho.
I already ended this thing with chu. You've no write to call me a cunt.
There's virtually no reason to report, because:
A. He could be joking
B. It's not gonna matter tomorrow anyway.
There's no reason for you to act like this; after gnus I'm leaving the post, and if you keep calling me a cunt on other posts I'm going to report your account.
And if you actually read my comment, you'll see that I said, "and if you keep calling me a cunt on other posts", bullying, "I'm going to report your account."
"...Stop prodding HER about it."
Fair point.
basically user bookhoarder was cyberstalked by a guest for several months and things went rather badly and most of us think it could have been handled better but it's all in the past now but I'd really like to not see anything close to that magnitude of nastiness for a while.
Thank you for clueing me in