I have 2 small beautymarks on the center of my cheek, one about 1 cm directly under the other. When I was 12 people were gossiping that my beautymarks were fake, and when I rubbed them to prove they weren't fake, the gossip changed to my beautymarks having been tattoo'd on. I was 12... No one will tattoo a 12 yr old on her face.
· 9 years ago
I'm the same! Except it's 4 freckles in a row down my left arm. They are almost perfectly straight and the weirdest thing is my older sister has them too in the exact same place! My younger sisters do not have them and the school thought we had "sister tattoos"
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I have four freckles on my face (north, south , east west) and then a triangle on my arm adn they called me a satanist