Actually that's a trdelník, not a donut. Even though I haven't seen this exact thing myself, I would bet this was taken in Prague, or somewhere in the Czech Republic. Which makes me wonder, does any other Slavic country also have this or is it just a Czech thing? I would be surprised if they weren't somewhere else as well, they're delicious pieces of heaven.
Yes in Hungary! So yummy!! ( here it's called Kürtőskalács)
To further explain to u guys, the bakers take dough and roll it around a pin, then the pin gets rolled in toppings ( eg. sugar, cinnamon, nuts...) and gets roasted over charcoal. Then the "cake" gets removed off the pin, so the outside is crispy and the inside is super soft ( almost like raw cookie dough!)
To further explain to u guys, the bakers take dough and roll it around a pin, then the pin gets rolled in toppings ( eg. sugar, cinnamon, nuts...) and gets roasted over charcoal. Then the "cake" gets removed off the pin, so the outside is crispy and the inside is super soft ( almost like raw cookie dough!)