John Oliver started the hashtag. Apparently Trump's family name was actually Drumpf and it was changed at some point because Trump markets better. I dunno, something like that. It's Tuesday, that's as good as I've got.
There's also a chrome extension that changes Trump to Drumpf on every website
· 9 years ago
I don't watch the televised presidential speeches, but a news outlet on my feed did a story on the one where he showed The Lion King as his birth video. Holy shit, Drumpf's face when Obama starts roasting him. That is the face of a man who got denied art school admission and vowed everyone would pay later.
Well you see, because the world is more liberal at this point in time any liberal extremist can get a foothold on influencing ideas. We see this with tumblr where the major major liberal extremists reside and create ideas that do not work with systems in place. These systems could be changed together through team work and unity but ironically liberal extremisim does not allow this. Their ideas must be forced and accepted, no buts, this creates a wall dividing eveyone. Destroying the most important part of liberalism is ironic but it's what lineral extremism does. Accept or die is their motto basically. Heavy conservatism doesn't have a footing nowadays so their ideas are usually swept off as poor attempts at being relevant or fighting a system that works and failing. Liberal is becoming the new conservative fast
While I think your point is very well reasoned, History/ social movements tend to be more of a pendulum than a slope/line. Usually when a society leans too much in one direction it leads to a reaction pulling it the other way... or society collapses... so there's that
· 9 years ago
Definitely. I believe in the S theory. The S begins from the bottom (a civilization/movement), it slowly works its way up and eventuallh. BAM, right back down again, finishing the S (the end of an era of a civilization or movement) I believe that's where society is now at the moment, the whole world's gonna fall. Hard. And then it will just staft a new S.
But even on a smaller timeline social values swing without disastrous consequences. For example, much of the 80's Reaganomics / Gordon Gekko greed and materialism and the Glitz and in your face sex of Madonna era music shifted in the early 90s toward placing more value on experiences, environmentalism, innocents and folk music. It was subtle, but it took us away from the nightmare that was electronica and acid wash jeans. :)
· 9 years ago
Yes of course. But that still fits in with my S theory. All these successes are temporary and form a great part of the S. Until there is eventually a crash. A pessimistic way of seeing it, but it's realistic
I just want a president that will get rid of affirmative action. Why does a son of a rich black doctor half ass through high school and make it into a better school than a hard working boat refugee.
Spread this shit like wildfire
theres to many juans