I don't care if it's a home, this tumblr shit has gone on too long. If you raise a kid without a gender, fucked up shit happens. Idgaf if they choose a gender later, but as a young and developing child, you are just fucking them over by refusing to 'gender' them. The PC movement has become completely fucking disgusting.
· 9 years ago
guest a) calm down and b) if you live in America than sorry to tell you this we raised kids without gender for a while
For a long time, all infants and toddlers wore simple dresses, and I think in fairly neutral colors. There are pictures of famous people as young kids dressed this way. They werw also all treated generally the same for those first few years, because they were fairly useless, non-contributing members of society. A lot of what we think of as gendering didn't start until they were old enough to give a fuck about more than eating dirt and licking the dog.
I mean, you can call them by he or her, or whatever, but don't force them to fit a stereotype. If they want to wear a dress, who cares? They're children, it won't matter that much.
Just dress tour child however and still have a gender for it until the child grows up and says "Hey, I don't feel like/want to be x instead I want to be y." But not to sound insensitive it could be a phase my best friend swore up and down she was a boy and my family was taking care of her during that time and we let her dress how she wanted,act how she wanted, we used different pronouns although she didn't make us. It went in for about a year in a half and one month I noticed she was dressing very girly and doing more feminine things and I asked what was up and she told me she didn't feel like a boy anymore she felt like a girl and wanted to be a girl granted a tomboy but still a girl.
It it is literally just mood. If you like watermelon and fried chicken, you don't call yourself black, it is a false and some would say racist stereotype. So why would you call yourself a boy if you like cars and fixing stuff and video games? I am asking a question, I want to know.
You can raise a boy or girl without raising them with stereotypes. Teach your boys and girls both to cook and use tools and support them in sports or theater or dance or science...
The poster said "aggressive" and you only have to visit a babys r us to see that baby boys are being handed baseball gloves and girls shoved into tutus
A dinosaur.
"Awww, is it a boy or a girl?"
"lol it's pepe"
The poster said "aggressive" and you only have to visit a babys r us to see that baby boys are being handed baseball gloves and girls shoved into tutus