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· 9 years ago
If you wanna be really basic, sure. But there's room for nuance to this and it can also be circled back to the fact congress has a 9-16% approval rating.
· 9 years ago
And why do they have such pitiful ratings? Because they have failed at every turn.
· 9 years ago
what if I told may be the problem if you dont like him...
· 9 years ago
Sure thing, The Drumpf will gladly build the camps for this type of problem.
· 9 years ago
At what point did he say he was going to build these "camps"?
· 9 years ago
I want trump to win because I've never seen a president get assassinated before
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Plus we haven't had a World War in forever so that would be cool too
· 9 years ago
Well, the problem WOULD be Drumpf if he wins. It's only the bad Americans who even support him, which sadly, is a good amount of us.
· 9 years ago
It's not only the bad Americans, it's everybody who is sick of the ways things are happening in our country, and they see no other route to change. Trump is different and that is what makes him popular. He's not like the past 200 years of candidates who are all clean cut, and say things that are politically correct. Which has caused this country to be run into the ground (I'm not saying George Washington had anything to do with this lol). He's different so people think he can change whats happening. So before you start saying that 30% of America, is bad Americans, think about their motives. (I am not a trump supporter and I sure as hell won't vote for Hillary)
· 9 years ago
Basically, the Trump campaign is voters throwing a temper tantrum - they aren't getting what they want/need from the establishment, so they're voting for ANYTHING different, even if said different thing is clearly destructive.
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· 9 years ago
I wouldn't call it a temper tantrum, its almost borderline revolution. If things keep going the way they are, there is going to be some serious problems
· 9 years ago
After all a society is all of its members. Its the stupid and lazy part of society that would rather vote for the megalomaniac offspring of an Orang Utan for president than ask themselves, what they can do. Also in every civilized society there is about a 20% part with extreme right convictions. They plus the lazy idiots are Drumpfs followers. That is already a serious problem. In the USA its not made better by the gun laws.
· 9 years ago
By no means do I support Trump but let's be honest here, "the stupid and lazy part of society" are the ones who are going to be voting for Bernie. They're the ones enticed by his "free" agenda
· 9 years ago
Ohhhh, that's a whole different kettle of fish. But no, most Trump supporters I've talked to are definitely intellectually lazy.