It's one thing to have disagreements about a candidate and their political stance. It's another whole ball park when misleading false claims and slander are thrown in the ring. I mean hell I can start posting fake claims on Hillary and sanders if that's what it takes to even the playing field
Sorry barcode, Sanders himself says he is a socialist. Communist may be a slight stretch, but it is not a lie or false claim exactly. Also remember that communism and socialism are directly related, and that most people do not understand the subtle differences, so if he says he's a socialist most people hear communist.
I never said he wasn't a socialist, I know he is. Yes they are related but not the same like many people refuse to acknowledge.
· 9 years ago
Holy fuck. I disagree with trump as much as the next guy but this is a whole new low for America. Geez guys, credible info please . And whomever posted this sure is looking like an idiot
Sorry, I really don't know who he is. I live in Canada. I've seen videos of him, and he seems like a racist jerk. How is he in the running for president?
Because our politicians are worthless, crooked liars. We have had election after election of the same politicians kissing our ass to get elected and then giving it to us in the ass once they are in office. Trump is not a politician and is seen as outside of all that BS, so people are hoping he will be different than what we've been stuck with.
That's why no matter what he says he doesn't lose his supporters; this is about more than his rhetoric or even Trump himself.
I'd be willing to bet no one here is old enough to remember Ross Perot in the 1992 presidential election, but it was EXACTLY the same thing. He was a rich businessman who was preaching bringing businesses and jobs back to America and fixing all the stuff the politicians fucked up. The only real difference is that Perot ran a third-party campaign; and would have won, by the way, if he hadn't quit at the last minute.
Well, now that it's Hillary versus Clinton, we can either have the country run by an insane lunatic, or an insane lunatic who knows how to fix the economy.
"It was a mistake; he did not recognize the song." Seriously? Wow.
That's why no matter what he says he doesn't lose his supporters; this is about more than his rhetoric or even Trump himself.
I'd be willing to bet no one here is old enough to remember Ross Perot in the 1992 presidential election, but it was EXACTLY the same thing. He was a rich businessman who was preaching bringing businesses and jobs back to America and fixing all the stuff the politicians fucked up. The only real difference is that Perot ran a third-party campaign; and would have won, by the way, if he hadn't quit at the last minute.
Pretty sure everyone and his brother would be reporting on it.