Honestly I feel like this whole election is like an IQ test for Americans when none of the choices (candidates) are even good. Bernie is socialist (hello we are Capitalist..), Hillary belongs in jail, trump voices his mind too much and has weird hair, Cruz may or may not be the zodiac killer and there's other candidates who are still trying to run but most likely won't make it through.
Okay, yes we are a capitalist nation but we aren't purely capitalist that having a socialist as a president would be a bad idea. We have public schools, the government doesn't have a total hands off approach to business, etc. These are socialist ideals and finding the perfect mix of the two is what would help the country. I'm not saying all of Bernie's ideas are great and will help us pull through, but socialism itself isn't a bad economic system, as long it's not pure. And saying we're capitalist is why it wouldn't work is false. But the other points about the candidates are ones I agree with you on.
Now now, in late news, Bernie Sanders supporters were attacking each other, and didn't stop until they realized they were on the same side. Why are savages fighting for a civilized man?