''Rememer that awkward thing you did five years ago?'' Well now I do, thanks a lot, brain!
· 8 years ago
My brain: "Remember that time you were accidentally a dick to your girlfriend? And how you didn't apologize because you didn't want to bring it up again after hours of painful silence? Let's hate ourselves for that for a while."
"Let's re-visit that existential crisis, shall we?"
"Worried about more nightmares? Let's recall all the creepy things that happen so that you can worry about it and avoid sleep more."
"Shut up do you really want to wake someone up?"
"Let's re-visit that existential crisis, shall we?"
"Worried about more nightmares? Let's recall all the creepy things that happen so that you can worry about it and avoid sleep more."
"Shut up do you really want to wake someone up?"
These will get your brain to shut up so you can fall asleep in no time.