I agree with timebender, however, I first reccomend Season 3, episode Blink, before you watch anything else. It is a brilliantly made episode, that doesn't have the Doctor in it all that much, so you can see if you like the show. If you do like blink, then go back to Season 1 Episode Rose. If not, then I don't think Doctor Who is right for you.
No Don't little late, but if you do you dont get the know who the doctor really is. He is not just a person who time travels, his story is much deeper than that just look at the Day of The Doctor. He is a complex man that deserves a proper understanding of him. Watch the first episodes. They really convey who he is and who Rose is.
As a non-whovian who knows the basics on these guys, how does one get out of a situation with the weeping angels?
· 8 years ago
You make sure everyone is looking in all directions and you get the fuck out of there.
If someone is scared and stops looking/blinks/the light goes out, then ya'll done goofed.
If someone is scared and stops looking/blinks/the light goes out, then ya'll done goofed.