One of my favorite things is to ask elderly about their lives when they were younger. I knew this elderly woman on my block when I was in my teens EVERYONE even her own kids called her Marge. But it wasn't her real name. But I knew her real name because I always loved talking with her. Sadly she past away and I see her kids (who were in their 50s) going into her house and I asked them when was the funeral cause I planed to go. They knew me and knew I was friends with their mom. Well her son Mark tells me they don't know because the morgue won't sign over her body till they know her REAL NAME that is on her birth certificate. And they were there to find her name written some where. I just looked at him like 0.o and said "It is Maybelle. She always hated her name but her Dad your grandfather use to call her Margy Pargy Puddin Pie so she stuck with Marge. You didn't know that?" He hugged me and thanked me for being a good friend to her.
BUT DANG they didn't even know her name?
BUT DANG they didn't even know her name?