Makes people famous for no reason, backs Zionism, most of her guests aren't even talented if they're not celebrities, gives away free stuff to people who don't dwserve it
Ellen has had people on her show, ranging from a little girl that was a cancer patient who looked up to Ellen all the way to cast members from The Avengers, and everyone in between.
Wow. Fat. Yes. I am overweight. I am also bald as well, whilebaporting a rather nice mustache and goatee. You are whatever you want to be. I am who and what I want to be. I am doing something with my life. I am heading home after a long day at work, to my fiance and kids. I'll take pictures on Sunday and Monday to post what I do with my money that I make in my life with my family. :)
slay novelus we know you have a better life than yecharon, the 18 year old who just got out of class and learned something which makes him think he's smarter than you lol
If you were my age, you'd be a helluva lot smarter than you are now, and you'd realize how idiotic your responses have become.
Also, thanks chocolateisgood. :)
He's even islamophobic
Also, thanks chocolateisgood. :)
also novelus you're p cool tbh.