I have to consciously stop myself from yelling "You go girl!! Keep it up! You look good!" to bigger folks (man or woman) I pass. I think people are mean/grumpy because they can't let their sweet innocent kid selves out due to social pressure...
Depends which gym. The gym I went to in college was full of douchebags playing grab ass. But the gyms on military bases I've been to are full of respectful men and polite dependents. The only downside is a lack of women for the most part
Okay but as someone who is overweight, I have issues with my self esteem and so do plenty others of my fellow big people. It's not just as simple as "who cares what they think?"
Words matter. It's easy for you to say "just ignore it, it doesn't matter", because you aren't in this situation. It's not always something people can brush off.
LOL I'm working off a spare tire, what are you f*#&ing talking about? It's definitely that simple. Stop thinking you're the center of everyone's universe and save yourself some stress while you get things done.
You don't need fancy equipment to work out. It's literally as easy as going to Home Depot and buying some sandbags and putting them in buckets and lifting. Or even better, go to Costco or the 99 Ranch Market and buy two 50lb bags of rice and then take some out and use the bags themselves to lift. Don't like how floppy they are? Fill some Newman's Own grape juice containers with [stuff] and use the handles or make your own with duct tape to lift.