This will get downvoted...
But I think in relationship, the fault is on both sides
So if he cheats, she probably have done something too
Idk it's just thought
then why the hell the other stay in that relationship long enough for that person got the chance to cheat?
besides, if that relationship is a real one, it'd make that person better
Sorry for the late reply.
I got cheated on as I was about to propose. So yeah I know the feeling.
It's not a two way street, I did everything for her and still.
I'd explain what I'm talking about but just thinking about it 4 months later is still making me want to throw my laptop.
But I think in relationship, the fault is on both sides
So if he cheats, she probably have done something too
Idk it's just thought
besides, if that relationship is a real one, it'd make that person better
Maybe not excatly a cheater but at least know how they are like
Careful with whom you put your trust to
I got cheated on as I was about to propose. So yeah I know the feeling.
It's not a two way street, I did everything for her and still.
I'd explain what I'm talking about but just thinking about it 4 months later is still making me want to throw my laptop.