You're right. The world would be a much better place if the people seeing the bullying would say something. If they all came together it would send a much better message than beating each other up.
Stand up and be proud of who you are. Your unique in every aspect. The bullying behavior is a reflection of insecurity and termoil in a child's life. As they develop it becomes a learnt behavior that will be difficult to change and nearly impossible in later life and so the cycle continues. I haven't taken into account other mental disorders that may also contribute. My personal experience with bullies be proud stick up for yourself and tell them you don't care what they do think or say. A bully becomes quite skilled in their craft they learn a become highly intuitive and work you to get the result they want. Any sign of weakness they will ramp up their campaign while you a vunrable. They are in control and they will fight to the death before they relinquish their hold on you. Control and gaining it is their game. My advice for being bullied. Don't let them. Yes it means your child will be subject to the
Almost. Keep trying to stop bullies, as well as teaching kids to stand up to them, for themselves and others. They can only exist when others do nothing about them.
Must have missed that part for the past 16 years of my life. Difference is, you can get taxes back at the end of the year. You don't get fines back. I also don't refer to a "fine" as a "tax". A fine is not something I can negotiate, and have more or less taken from me. I have control, to a point, over taxes taken out of my paycheck. Fines are given as a form of punishment, usually a monetary form, such as stated in the comment I mentioned. So excuse me for not having a connection between the two words known as "fine" and "taxes".
The healthcare reform act includes a "fine" for individuals who are noncompliant. A fine for no compliance is technically illegal, so it is a tax levied by the IRS. You have no control anymore, the juggernaut is building speed.
A fine for non compliance is illegal? In what way? Speeding tickets are given for not complying to speed limit signs. Also, I am non compliant in regards to the Healthcare reform. However, I am exempt from the fine, as are many others, due to household income and other factors as well.
It's unconstitutional because the government has no authority to force citizens to buy anything. It's part of the commerce clause. A fine as punishment for not purchasing something is, thus, illegal (unconstitutional). That's why when it got to the Supreme Court they started calling it a "tax", because the government DOES have the constitutional authority to levy taxes.
HOWEVER, all taxes must first originate in the House; this particular bill originated in the Senate. Therefore it is still unconstitutional if it is a tax.
Okay. I have played long enough, trying to decide what this taxation, Healthcare Reform and whatever else has been mentioned, has to do with bullying and people being fined for bullying. This post is about bullying. Not any of these other strange things.
Teachers and parents need to be held accountable. Of course so do the kids. And yes, we need to teach kids to grow some balls again and not punish the victims when they do stand up for themselves or each other. No one ever respects weakness.
They really are. Parents coddle so much these days and are constantly victimizing their children. Of course no harm in loving your child but still you need to teach them they can be wrong and to be tough sometimes
· 8 years ago
The world needs victims, bullying teaches us at an early age exactly how much of someone else's shit we are willing to eat.
The real tragedy is these kids who need concerned(read:bored) mothers coddling them are being victimized many times over. When they are first bullied, then they are also made victims by special interest groups as they are not allowed to find their own place on the totem pole, and then since they grow up without an understanding of where they fit in, they never fit in and are made targets for more bullying.
But please keep putting ribbons on your scrawny, awkward, socially stunted kids, they'll make excellent pleb-employees for the alpha bull I'm currently raising.
You know, my brother used to be bullied. He was depressed, very depressed, often wondering what he did wrong and why they didn't like him. He got bullied for his name at first, so he changed it. Then he got bullied for studying, so he tried to be like them. Then they started to bully him because of his sexuality, but he could do nothing about that. You love who you love, right? He had to change schools. Just because of people who wouldn't let him be who he was. And to people like you, people who don't understand how freaking bad it is for another person to feel this way, people who actually encourage bullying, I can only say one thing: Leave. Like, right now. We don't need your opinions.
One of my friends committed suicide because they were bullied by so many people, and people like you ghengistron are the people who really caused him to pull the trigger, Ghengistron we don't need people like you here.
I really dislike what you said, and I disagree with every instance of it, as I was bullied. I'm now raising children of my own. I have lived an amazing life since bullied for numerous years. I have a rather decent job, and given how well life has treated me, I only need to work a few hours here and there. So I am going to tell you this. Quit trying to live with the facade of "My child(ren) is/are going to be the alpha(s)", because that shirt will not fly. The irony is going to be that your child(ren) will somehow manage to be a bigger douche than you, and you'll end up forced to go pick up your child a few times from school due to being in fights that he/she started, all because of you thinking that everyone else is lower than your spawn. I would feel sorry for you, but I would rather feel sorry for your kid(s) who has to grow up under your care. *drops mic*
HOWEVER, all taxes must first originate in the House; this particular bill originated in the Senate. Therefore it is still unconstitutional if it is a tax.
The real tragedy is these kids who need concerned(read:bored) mothers coddling them are being victimized many times over. When they are first bullied, then they are also made victims by special interest groups as they are not allowed to find their own place on the totem pole, and then since they grow up without an understanding of where they fit in, they never fit in and are made targets for more bullying.
But please keep putting ribbons on your scrawny, awkward, socially stunted kids, they'll make excellent pleb-employees for the alpha bull I'm currently raising.
I really dislike what you said, and I disagree with every instance of it, as I was bullied. I'm now raising children of my own. I have lived an amazing life since bullied for numerous years. I have a rather decent job, and given how well life has treated me, I only need to work a few hours here and there. So I am going to tell you this. Quit trying to live with the facade of "My child(ren) is/are going to be the alpha(s)", because that shirt will not fly. The irony is going to be that your child(ren) will somehow manage to be a bigger douche than you, and you'll end up forced to go pick up your child a few times from school due to being in fights that he/she started, all because of you thinking that everyone else is lower than your spawn. I would feel sorry for you, but I would rather feel sorry for your kid(s) who has to grow up under your care. *drops mic*