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· 8 years ago
Bears, beets, Battle Star Galactica
· 8 years ago
Considering recent events, I'm sure the bear would make better decisions than Putin.
· 8 years ago
You need to pickup a newspaper ... Europe is fucked because we have been betrayed by our leaders. Russia is the only one trying to get rid of Isis
· 8 years ago
No, you need to pick up some other newspaper than a tabloid filled with muslim-hating articles. The media is making this crisis seem far worse than it is. Isis is a threat, but it's a threat that can't be resolved by bombing cities. If you do what Russia does and just mindlessly attack with all your weapons, you'll convince Middle Eastern civilians, who are already being misinformed and brainwashed into thinking the West is bad, into actively joining the fight, because you fucking bombarded their city and thus convinced them that you are indeed the bad bully. The way to get rid of terrorism is education, and while it may be more difficult to achieve now, it will prove more effective than just sending soldiers and weapons over there. The whole "best defense is a good offense" thing is bullshit. The best defense at this point is gun control, fighting against the weapons black market, and strict border control. Even suspending the Schengen space temporarily would be better than bombs.
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· 8 years ago
Propaganda? Are you serious? I'm literally saying we should fight against propaganda with education. And yes, killing the leaders of Isis is indeed necessary as they're the ones doing the recruiting and brainwashing. But what do you do afterwards, just leave the civilians to rot in a decaying state? You say my head is filled with propaganda but you clearly don't have even a notion of what to do once the fighting is done. In my opinion, sending peace troops and humanitarian help after getting rid of the Isis troops is the way to go. Help the people slowly retake their own minds by showing them we're not killers, but helpers. But hey, education is propaganda, right? Seriously, my thoughts are inspired by Malala, and while she's publicly adored, I'm being bashed. It's almost like you want a full scale war. And while I'm against the policy of appeasement (we know what it did in the past, don't we), engaging in a conflict then leaving civilians to sort it out for themselves is bull.
· 8 years ago
Nah, I was just saying that bombing civilians is not the way to go. And that Russia is NOT known for being careful with their weapons, so those "rare occurences" are not that rare. Isis leaders are a bunch of madmen, of course they need to be destroyed, but instead of going on a killing spree we should try to save whomever we can. Besides, have you even read guest's comment? If anyone's head is filled with propaganda, it's theirs. "Betrayed by our leaders", that's what some people say as a reaction to refugees, because for them every refugee is a terrorist. "Russia is the only one doing something", yeah, last time Russia saved someone they took them over right afterwards. But hey, maybe I'm biased because my country was one of the most fucked up during both WWII and the Cold War. Leaders change, but unfortunately Russia has always had this kind of "leader cult" mentality, which can be seen even on Putin.
· 8 years ago
Ehh, that's what we've been doing in our country. I know that Sweden and Germany have some problems with it, what bothers me is that they don't learn from other countries just because they think they're more progressive by doing what you described. We can agree on that, Merkel needs to get her shit together.
· 8 years ago
It looks like the hat from Papers, Please