Famous one I understand that your saying it in a joking way but in no way is that appropriate
You never know some one may actually do it so do not ever tell anyone to kill themself
That's fucked up. But the phrase "kill yourself" is practically a meme at this point and there's no controlling it. People don't actually mean it when they say it, usually they don't even know the person they are saying it to. If someone can't take a shitty joke that's their own problem. bullies telling someone to kill themself and a random person on the internet telling some other random person on the internet to kill them self are two completly different things.
· 8 years ago
Actually, in Amanda's case, and I'm guessing many others, when she made the confession video, many people told her to kill herself. When she did, many people said they were glad she was dead. That means that they were serious about wanting her dead and I'm trying to make sure people know that isn't okay. It might be a joke but words can hurt. But I think most people don't realize that they are taking a life. If they were in a situation where they were the ones to have to pull the trigger, I don't think they would.
Yeah but those people were intenilly directing hate at someone they knew on some level. When someone is bad at a video game and someone says "kys" and the person replies "fat," that is retarded internet speak with no meaning besides bad humor. Completly different context
· 8 years ago
The people in the YouTube comment section didn't know Amanda, I'm guessing.
Also I just realized rereading your original comment that it was directed at the more serious situation of the two, I think we misunderstood eachother. What I said applies more to @drunkduck 's comment
· 8 years ago
Yes, @drunkduck is right, that is what I am implying to. See we don't need to argue, we can just be friends:).
I was saying I that I think there are specific times it's not bad at all and it's understood as a joke. But whatever I don't really wanna argue about it more either. And there was nothing unfriendly in what I was saying I just disagree
· 8 years ago
I know, we're both not trying to be unfriendly, just stating our opinions.
If it's on the Internet
If you don't know the person
No matter what they say
Even if they say "kill yourself"
What they say can't hurt you
Don't try to police people and tell them what they can or can't say
I understood perfectly fine mate I never tried to police anyone I just said that (and this is my opinion) telling someone to kill them self was a inappropriate comment
Said German Satan...
Okay serious talk time
This one time, I was told 'go to hell' it was just a joke but I actually started crying
You see, words hurt a lot
And saying facts that make butthurt people uncomfortable is one thing
But saying things that make people feel like shit is another thing
So watch your pretty mouth
I have run out of ice cream more than once
And I sursive
So yeah
But what I meant was you shouldn't be so insensitive, you don't know what they're going through
I think what you've all got to understand is that there's a target audience for any joke. And if you throw this one at the wrong one, things could go very badly. And if you throw it at the right one you'll get an even snappier response. And if you throw it at anyone else you'll get a meh.
This line really isn't all that clever but it's certainly not "bad", just know who you're talking to. Same with anything.
To many people in the comments: If you're offended by a person saying that something hurts them, then it seems that you're the sensitive one. You can't tell a person how to feel, so you certainly can't tell them that hateful comments shouldn't affect them. Try to exercise some empathy.
You never know some one may actually do it so do not ever tell anyone to kill themself
If it works for me, it'll work for you!
If you don't know the person
No matter what they say
Even if they say "kill yourself"
What they say can't hurt you
Don't try to police people and tell them what they can or can't say
Okay serious talk time
This one time, I was told 'go to hell' it was just a joke but I actually started crying
You see, words hurt a lot
And saying facts that make butthurt people uncomfortable is one thing
But saying things that make people feel like shit is another thing
So watch your pretty mouth
And I sursive
So yeah
But what I meant was you shouldn't be so insensitive, you don't know what they're going through
kys <3
This line really isn't all that clever but it's certainly not "bad", just know who you're talking to. Same with anything.
To kill themselves