The sky color would be unaffected. The blue is due to Nitrogen and Rayleigh Scattering.
I think the air pressure would also be unaffected, maybe even increase due to the sudden freeing of all the Hydrogen from seawater.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
*triples oxygen*
*grabs sword*
Time to live out Skyrim
"There would be giant insects" doesn't make sense because gravity would stay the same. An insect's leg or fang would increase in weight at the cube of the ratio of scaling (because its weight is proportional to volume) but its strength to lift that appendage would only go up with the square of the scaling (muscle cross sectional area). Regardless of oxygen, the forces at work on earth drive why it's most efficient for tiny creatures to be constructed one way and large ones to be completely different.
I think the air pressure would also be unaffected, maybe even increase due to the sudden freeing of all the Hydrogen from seawater.
*grabs sword*
Time to live out Skyrim
Now refer to the oceans evaporating point and think again what would happen to us