JACOB: A comment story by me
*In school*
Teacher: And now if we plug x into this equ-
Student 1: Wait! Wait everybody do you hear that?
*class quiets down* *listening*
Student 2: I don't hear anythi-
Student 1: Shut the fuck up, Frank! It's him. He's coming.
*class listens* faint sound of bells ringing in the distance
Student 3: Oh, no. No! Not again.
Sound of bells gets louder *class stirs* *everyone freaking out* *desks overturned* *papers flying* *screeching on chalkboard*
Door opens slowly. *he enters*
Jacob: Well HELLO everybody, what happened here?
*students jabbing scissors in eyes* *jumping out windows* *slamming heads into desks*
Everyone is dead.
Teacher: Just fucking great, Jacob. You HAD to bring the backpack. *swallows apple whole and chokes to death*
Jacob: *falls to ground seizing* *bells jingle as his body flails violently*
*In school*
Teacher: And now if we plug x into this equ-
Student 1: Wait! Wait everybody do you hear that?
*class quiets down* *listening*
Student 2: I don't hear anythi-
Student 1: Shut the fuck up, Frank! It's him. He's coming.
*class listens* faint sound of bells ringing in the distance
Student 3: Oh, no. No! Not again.
Sound of bells gets louder *class stirs* *everyone freaking out* *desks overturned* *papers flying* *screeching on chalkboard*
Door opens slowly. *he enters*
Jacob: Well HELLO everybody, what happened here?
*students jabbing scissors in eyes* *jumping out windows* *slamming heads into desks*
Everyone is dead.
Teacher: Just fucking great, Jacob. You HAD to bring the backpack. *swallows apple whole and chokes to death*
Jacob: *falls to ground seizing* *bells jingle as his body flails violently*