Its simple... If u treat me with respect , I'll respect u...
If u hit me , I'll hit u back... Or "defend" myself against a Man or woman..
The moment you hit a person(male/female)for whatever reason, don't expect a thank you in return
That was definitely not the mondset of the 40s. A woman didn't have much recourse in caees if abuse. She could have provoked him simply by burning dinner or talking when he was listening to the radio. There was no respect in these situations. Not all marriages were like this, but too many were.
You're right, simply not having dinner ready the moment he got home would anger him.
She could sit down to eat without getting him a beer and he would casually throw her food on the floor.
That's repulsive, those poor women were strong and had high tolerance, I would casually stab that damn man.
*Dolores Claiborne his ass*
Why are people always congratulated for saying, "If you hit me, I'll hit you back." Domestic violence stops when someone puts a stop to it, not if you 'fight back'. If someone else starts the violence, the person stopping it needs to be you. Get out of there asap and call the cops, that is the only way to show you respect yourself too much to ever be a continued victim of violence.
· 8 years ago
The cops do nothing these days, that's a proven fact
We called the cops plenty times and they said it was a civil matter and they couldn't take him to jail, so if that person doesn't stop, what do you do? Stay there like an idiot and die?
No you take matters into your own hands
If someone has been physically assaulted, even if only a single punch was thrown or a slap, that isn't civil, its criminal and charges can be filed and a restraining order issued. Apparently you have lazy cops because that is bullshit
They give you 2 options and I'm really being honest with you:
You either let the cops leave in peace or they take everyone in the house 18 or over for a domestic disturbance
Those are your options because they figure everyone In the house was involved in the fight so they're taking everyone even though the actual victim has visual bruises and whatnot
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
I live in Lafayette, SO ready to move out of this hellhole
Trust me, I'm familiar with their BS. I have family there and grew up not far from the Texas/Louisiana border
· 8 years ago
Most of the cops in the city know us because of my grandfathers history but they still stick to what they want to do, I hate to be rude but they're assholes
My grandfather worked for the Marshals office and he was well known and didn't stand for bullshit, this generation stands for anything
I just wanna move
He told me the same thing on another post where people were arguing about a black guy getting shot lol
I told everyone to get along and stop arguing and this is the exact thing he told me
I was referring to the commenters before my original one and how they were arguing that women were immune and whatnot but they were in separate comment threads so I decided to make one top comment as opposed to two reply comments.
'Patrick Stewart is so spot on saying "men should never use violence. Ever." So I'll refrain from using violence unless someone hits me, in which case I'll hit back.'
So, what part of "never. Ever." Is so confusing?
Also, I wish I had a nickel for everyone who said or wrote how nobody would ever hit them without getting hit back but then melted into a puddle of goo when something actually happened.
· 8 years ago
Exactly! Woman aren't human beings capable of pushing someone's buttons and manipulating them into an argument, women should never be hit no matter how many time they hit a man, woman are more equal than men. Why can't we just give women all the rights of being fully functioning adults without holding them responsible for their actions?!
Of course there's women who push buttons, you're misinterpreting the post. As far as I can tell, it's attempting to explain that domestic violence is almost always unwarranted and it's not the victim's fault. Gender was mentioned simply because the majority domestic violence occurs against women by men. I hope this cleared shit up.
His father beat the living hell out of his mother, routinely and the police offered her no help. Stop with this victim blaming bullshit unless you know the story. Yes, women can start arguments, but thats still no excuse to beat someone.
In my opinion,it's only okay to beat anyone (regardless of gender) if its self defense. But then I guess it's not exactly "beating" get my point I guess.
Yeah, definitely. Women can be the aggressors just as easily, and they should not be exempt from the consequences because of gender.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Men are physically stronger than women, that's why I think it's never ok for a man to hit a woman.
I grew up in a household watching my moms little boyfriend beating on her but when my sisters and I got older (and I couldn't fucking wait) we kicked his ass, of course she married him and she's still with the garbage pail kid but my point is that I watched it and I think it's wrong but women can provoke a man just as much also
Domestic violence goes both ways, I don't like hearing stuff like this but it's worse when it's kids
If you resort to violence in an argument, even if the other person started it, you're a weak ass human being. If you can't stand your ground with solid argumentation and decide that different opinions than yours should be punished by beating, you're a weak willed coward. And notice that I never mentioned gender, because it applies to men and women both.
Exactly. Same if you start turning the conversation another way and bring up unrelated stuff or start insulting the other person. You automatically lose the argument when you do that but it just hurts the other person, physically or emotionally.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Some people are just angry, crazy or just stupid
But watching my mom get beat by a man since I was six years old actually made me a more compassionate person (after I kicked his ass of course) I don't want my kids growing up seeing things like that because they'll think that's how they're suppose to live.
My son will think it's ok to beat his wife, and my daughter won't mind her boyfriend beating on her.
Yeah that's enough to make you go crazy. But I never resort to violence anymore, my nature won't allow it
Domestic violence is in most cases cyclical, the abused later becomes the abuser. It's sad, but it's psychology. It's just how these people think life works, at least those who are easily influenced and don't have a particularly strong will. I'm really glad you got out of it, and are making an effort to stay a civilized person.
· 8 years ago
Aww thanks :)
I'm trying my best, I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I'm teaching my kids the complete opposite of what I watched growing up, we were sheltered kids (had everything we wanted and needed) but there was a price that came along with it so I'm doing better than that now
If u hit me , I'll hit u back... Or "defend" myself against a Man or woman..
The moment you hit a person(male/female)for whatever reason, don't expect a thank you in return
She could sit down to eat without getting him a beer and he would casually throw her food on the floor.
That's repulsive, those poor women were strong and had high tolerance, I would casually stab that damn man.
*Dolores Claiborne his ass*
We called the cops plenty times and they said it was a civil matter and they couldn't take him to jail, so if that person doesn't stop, what do you do? Stay there like an idiot and die?
No you take matters into your own hands
You either let the cops leave in peace or they take everyone in the house 18 or over for a domestic disturbance
Those are your options because they figure everyone In the house was involved in the fight so they're taking everyone even though the actual victim has visual bruises and whatnot
My grandfather worked for the Marshals office and he was well known and didn't stand for bullshit, this generation stands for anything
I just wanna move
I told everyone to get along and stop arguing and this is the exact thing he told me
So, what part of "never. Ever." Is so confusing?
Also, I wish I had a nickel for everyone who said or wrote how nobody would ever hit them without getting hit back but then melted into a puddle of goo when something actually happened.
I grew up in a household watching my moms little boyfriend beating on her but when my sisters and I got older (and I couldn't fucking wait) we kicked his ass, of course she married him and she's still with the garbage pail kid but my point is that I watched it and I think it's wrong but women can provoke a man just as much also
Domestic violence goes both ways, I don't like hearing stuff like this but it's worse when it's kids
But watching my mom get beat by a man since I was six years old actually made me a more compassionate person (after I kicked his ass of course) I don't want my kids growing up seeing things like that because they'll think that's how they're suppose to live.
My son will think it's ok to beat his wife, and my daughter won't mind her boyfriend beating on her.
Yeah that's enough to make you go crazy. But I never resort to violence anymore, my nature won't allow it
I'm trying my best, I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I'm teaching my kids the complete opposite of what I watched growing up, we were sheltered kids (had everything we wanted and needed) but there was a price that came along with it so I'm doing better than that now