Why are you downvoting this? ... Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion... I didn't like it either ... The jokes were too try hard and despite the fact that I like Jared Leto, it was a mistake to try and replace Heath Ledger even tho they are portraying two different Jokers
· 8 years ago
Not to say there wasn't stuff to like, Will Smith, Margot Robbie, and Viola Davis all did wonderful things with the material they were given. The rest of the movie... Not so great.
I mean, I felt it could've been better but I did still like it. My main annoyance was how it banked on previous DC films (*SPOILER ALERT* mainly the references to Superman dying in BvS, bc who has time to watch THAT, and really threw me for a loop and took me WAY too long to remember what the hell they were talking about) which I honestly feel like it made it harder for, like, a regular ol' casual to get into it.
I love the movie!! The only part of the movie that i didnt like though was when the enchantress says "you don't have the balls". Snapped me right out of the mood. Like. She is an ancient goddess. She does not talk like that!
Yeah the use of colloquial phrases when speaking in the ancient language kind of annoyed me, but I guess Enchantress would've picked some stuff up from just possessing Dr Moon's body and listening in on conversations, and then Diablo already was a normal guy so it wasn't TOO big of a problem for me but still
I don't think they were trying to be funny at all, I didn't find any humor in that scene, all I saw was Rick flag decimated and destroyed because her saying that gave Him clear directive of what he had to do
At the end of The day, all these villains are is human, even enchantress, who is a parasite, feeds and is imbued in her own human host, yeah some of the jokes fell flat, but who cares? That's how comic books are, jokes fall flat, some story's don't do well, some characters are written poorly, it happens. This movie stayed true to each comic book character that was involved, right down to Waller offing people because they knew too much, and that's all it needed to
Do. the story was rushed, yeah it happens, but they spent time with each character, they gave everyone just enough focus for them to matter, and a lot of the jokes went over well for the crowds. Personally, I've seen it twice already, and I say it's worth seeing again, the story was fun, the music was great, y'all are finding the smallest nitpicks to hate it
I was just making a critism because I looked forward to this movie for a long time and had (probably unrealistic) expectations. I still enjoyed it a lot, but I think it couldve been a lot better. I don't hate it
Dude, she was already speaking in English when she wasn't supposed to, being an ancient being that pre-dates the invention of English and all. And yet it's hard to grasp that she also learned some of our expressions, like balls??
Idk I guess it made sense but it was still felt out a place, it's supposed to be a serious scene and she's just like "lol u don't have the balls do it you won't."
I saw it 4 days ago and I loved it. The plot was relatively simple to follow, and honestly, because there are so many characters to build, I preferred that the plot be straightforward like this so it's not very confusing. And, the entire theatre I was in, which was packed, were laughing all the time and seem to be enjoying the whole thing. The editing was wonky at times, but I was so focused on the story that I didn't mind.
You gotta wonder if the critics were taking the movie too seriously to even grasp it. I loved it and that's all I really care about.
I felt as if the movie, sort of let me down. I thought that Margot Robbie NAILED Harley Quinn. Will Smith did an awesome job as deadshot. Other than that, it was kinda weird. The movie itself was entertaining, I'll watch it again, but I didn't like Jared Leto's representation of the Joker... that's just me.
I liked it way better than BvS, but my biggest gripe is that you could replace all the characters with generic action heroes and it'd be the same movie. Captain Boomerang throws maybe four or five boomerangs, max, and the rest of the time just stabs the monster things with them. Deadshot literally does one trickshot the whole movie, and the rest of the time he's just shooting like the rest of the dudes with guns. Harley's whole contribution to the fight was that she had a pistol that one-shotted everything. Killer Croc was just kinda there. The only one who really got to shine with his powers was El Diablo, he gets a really cool scene towards the end because it's something only he could do. Everybody else can shoot up a room full of drones, everybody else who's kinda big could man-handle them, and everybody else with a sword or knives could just cut them up.
TL;DR, nobody really gets to show off what they can do.
Do. the story was rushed, yeah it happens, but they spent time with each character, they gave everyone just enough focus for them to matter, and a lot of the jokes went over well for the crowds. Personally, I've seen it twice already, and I say it's worth seeing again, the story was fun, the music was great, y'all are finding the smallest nitpicks to hate it
You gotta wonder if the critics were taking the movie too seriously to even grasp it. I loved it and that's all I really care about.
TL;DR, nobody really gets to show off what they can do.