apparently it's cool and "hip" and "groovy" to rip on Neil DeGrasse Tyson because he apparently disses Christianity a lot, but no one can seem to provide evidence of this happening.
there hasn't been one post with Neil DeGrasse Tyson on it in the past month without people talking about him apparently hating Christianity
Yeah, but Bill Nye is Bill Nye, so I'll excuse them. Everyone has their bad sides. I'm going to judge him based on his 1990s Disney show good side.
No one can seem to form evidence of Neil doing this, though, which is very interesting considering the people that jump on the bandwagon to take him down.
there hasn't been one post with Neil DeGrasse Tyson on it in the past month without people talking about him apparently hating Christianity
No one can seem to form evidence of Neil doing this, though, which is very interesting considering the people that jump on the bandwagon to take him down.