I told my friends (I'm in the closet but they know) "haha you know I'm so gay" after they told me I was obviously crushing on a girl? A teacher overheard me, took me to the principal's office, and I got a detention. I guess they thought I was insulting someone? At the next school meeting they pointed out never to say someone's gay as it's insulting and actual homosexual people will always take it as an insult?
B-but.. I actually AM gay..?
· 8 years ago
not to be insensitive or anything, but kids with autism still go to school. not that i am comparing the two, but the statement that "homosexuality is a disease" is about a mental condition.
yeah okay but what you have to realise is that this is...
let me think....
what's the word???
oh, yeah... A JOKE!!!!
Drazil (and while he/she is usually an idiot) knows, he says it is a mental condition, which it is, but I doesn't mean you should be mean to gay people. And seeing as the condition doesn't really hurt anyone, we just let it go on. It is only a mental condition in a sense that it isn't supposed to be happening. We have an over population problem, so it's really fine if it happens,
I'm sorry what? Gay people AREN'T REALLY MEANT TO HAPPEN??? It's a mental CONDITION??? what dark and sordid corner of the middle ages are you from??? I mean I'm glad you said that you don't mean "you should be mean to gay people." I'm glad you're sensitive to the feelings of the gay community (whilst suggesting that they are suffering from a mental condition!). What a comfort it is to us gays that inconsiderate cockroaches like you know "it's really fine if it happens." It. It happens. That gays happen. That we exist. I am overflowing with joy that my very existence does not trouble you, and the rest of society, too much. Fucknuckle.
Its not like it's something wrong with them. My uncle is gay, and he is one of the coolest people I know. The point of existence is to reproduce, and not doing that isn't really supposed to be programmed into our minds. But it is totally ok, because that's just us living creature's dumb nature and we don't need to obey it. Being gay isn't something to be medically treated for. Same as being a genius. If us humans had kept our heads down and didn't go on with technological advancement, we would have no need for geniuses. In fact, they'd be outcasts from society. But in this present day and age, when our main focus isn't reproduction and shit like that, geniuses are celebrated for contributing to society. Just like gay people are contributing to society just like every fellow human being. When I say condition, you think "bad" automatically. I mean condition in a way one would mean "weather condition". This as an example:
Straight people being normal rain. Gay people being the sky rai-
-Ning something equally useful and awesome, just not quite what it was supposed to rain. Today we are expecting normal rain. But then we get something not rain, but something equally amazing. And it doesn't faze us, because the both fit in and work just fine. It wasn't supposed to rain awesome, but it did and that's totally ok.
And it should be clear that being gay is not a disease. It is a state of mind.
A state of mind in a sense that for example, most people aren't constantly happy. But people with this state of mind are, and that's cool too. You aren't supposed to be constantly happy, but it's still pretty awesome. A state of mind, and condition of mind. Condition of weather, state of weather. Different context of "condition".
It's ok @just_a_girl, I wasn't being quite clear enough. You know, blue eyes are a genetic mutation, and they aren't really supposed to happen but are still cool. I don't blame you for flipping out like you did, just a misunderstanding that happens tragically often to me.
Actually I think that there is some science to back that up. I'm not sure if this information is accurate, but I think a group of scientists determined that in a group of women (of varying sexualities) only some showed signs of romantic/sexual attraction to men, but all showed signs of attraction to women.
Like when ladies watch lesbian porn. They get aroused when it's seems they shouldn't.
· 8 years ago
silvermyth, i wanted to point out that i agree on you here 100%. i don't think people understood my point. thank you for clearing it up. i seldom go on entertainment sites so i didn't notice the activity till just recently. sorry for my delay in comment.
just_a_girl i know this picture was a joke, but the statement of "homosexuality is a disease" is a real comment. i was just pointing out that this joke fails due to the fact mental defect isn't the same as illness. and as silvermyth states it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with homosexuality. it is a imbalance. i am not normal. i have mixed state hypomania and hyperthymia. in turn my mind isn't normal in the same degree.
And you said it before I could. You win a trophy. *hands @snowpiercer a golden meatball*
B-but.. I actually AM gay..?
let me think....
what's the word???
oh, yeah... A JOKE!!!!
Straight people being normal rain. Gay people being the sky rai-
A state of mind in a sense that for example, most people aren't constantly happy. But people with this state of mind are, and that's cool too. You aren't supposed to be constantly happy, but it's still pretty awesome. A state of mind, and condition of mind. Condition of weather, state of weather. Different context of "condition".
just_a_girl i know this picture was a joke, but the statement of "homosexuality is a disease" is a real comment. i was just pointing out that this joke fails due to the fact mental defect isn't the same as illness. and as silvermyth states it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with homosexuality. it is a imbalance. i am not normal. i have mixed state hypomania and hyperthymia. in turn my mind isn't normal in the same degree.
This calls for the most epic of brohooves.
...but I like the cut of your jib. (Also, I've used that one in the past, so I can't be critical.)