Hera didn't want Zeus to run away after they had kids, so she invented marriage. Unfortunately, even marriage could not control Zeus's raging boner.
^Believe this. It's funnier.
Get married or don't that's completely up to you and your future significant other. You don't have to belive in god to be married nor do you have to marry. That being said there are benefits to being married in a government that recognizes marriage such as property rights and less taxes.
· 8 years ago
I know you don't have to believe in God to be married. I was saying, because I don't believe in God, who/what are we supposed to believe created marriage?
Marriage before the modern times was always about religion. It was a binding of husband and wife in the eyes of God. That's how it was seen in Christiandom atleast. Now that religion has become less and less of a mass staple people have come to criticize it. It used to have little to do with the government.
Honestly I thought it was to prevent sexually transmitted deseases, if you stay with one partner you will not risk spreading infections through the population by having relations with other individuals. That one reason for it.
The government got involved in marriage to prevent the "wrong" kind of people, mainly mixed race from getting married. It was more like, government did not give you permission get married to someone who is not from your race so you can't. As if you really need permission from a benevolent government to get "married". Same Sex marriage did it wrong by forcing the government to bless the marriage with a license. They should have got government out of the marriage licensee business all together. A marriage license is not worth the paper it is printed on.
^Believe this. It's funnier.
Get married or don't that's completely up to you and your future significant other. You don't have to belive in god to be married nor do you have to marry. That being said there are benefits to being married in a government that recognizes marriage such as property rights and less taxes.