I don't really care about sex. It's just not a priority like it seems to be for a lot of people. I feel the same about dating though too. My family dog me about dating all the time and yet it's just not something i care to do right now nor have time to do.
My boyfriend's sensitive and I want a lot of sex, it works perfectly
· 8 years ago
I think sex is important. Not like the biggest thing, but important enough. I have a high libedo and I expect a man to deliver, or at least give me sex like 3 times a week. Hopefully more, but I can compromise at 3
Well, I hope you find a fella, because that sounds like an awesome deal you are proposing
· 8 years ago
Well I always put the guy first, like, if I get a phone number from another guy (like a coworker) I always tell him so he knows I'm not trying to hide anything. I'll cook if my man's tired. I'll give beejes anytime he wants as long as we are home. But obviously I'm trying to hard to make relationships work. I'd give up and go lesbian, but girls aren't attractive to me and I like boys too much. Ugh I'm a mess
Ok nice. So do you want to try and tell him outright that you want to start dating when he gets back?
(Also I wish to add that I am awful at giving dating advice, so I may not be the best source here)
· 8 years ago
Lol we talked about it. I just gotta wait till january. But just talking to him makes me miss him so much. Also, this is a bit weird talking on fs. If anyone is interested I can give out skype info for easier group conversations. I have one I use for gmod bullshit
Lol don't worry I won't talk about this on fs anymore. I just wanted to know.
And trust me, no matter how it goes, just remember that your sex life is 69x better than mine
· 8 years ago
Lol I didn't mean the sex convo. I noticed that a lot of us have been having fun conversations, but I think it would be easier on skype so we won't be murdering the comments. Mines. Mighty Oakenator. Don't hate. This is my fun account and not my private one so I don't mi d putting it out there
There there
(Also I wish to add that I am awful at giving dating advice, so I may not be the best source here)
And trust me, no matter how it goes, just remember that your sex life is 69x better than mine