*suddenly sits up from nightmares behind eyes* They want to make me open my eyes. I've only won once.
· 8 years ago
Atoms are tiny, death is needed occasionally, aliens most likely exist (would be pretty scary if they don't), never had sex but I'm on the Internet so I know a few thinks I shouldn't, using logic can be hard for some people, the meaning of life can be debatable but for me it's to be successful and happy when I grow up by doing the least work possible, I've lied to my parents saying that I don't comment on this website, I can be selfish and I'm not good at doing work, I love nostalgic smells, I was a messed up child and I was always the psychopathic one of my friends and I loved that (still love it), I'm scared of urban legends of monsters and creepypastas also I have sleep paralysis and it makes me scared to sleep, I don't think I'm attractive at all and I'm afraid that I'll never be able to accomplish what I want to because of how bad I am at doing work.
Not saying all this to be snarky or sarcastic. This is more than I've told anybody and I honestly
(To be cont.)
· 8 years ago
Would like to have a conversation with anyone right now.
What if I told you that all those interesting conversations start with a "what's up?" You just have to direct the conversation the way you want, you can't expect the other person to start a conversation with what you want to talk about, they can't read your mind. In my opinion a simple "Hey so recently I read this really interesting article about [topic you want to discuss]..." will do. Just don't be passive in a conversation or it will never go your way.
· 8 years ago
you're not the only people in the world who like talking about deep shit
But you NEED small talk to LEAD IN to the deep shit.
What would you like to discuss?
Not saying all this to be snarky or sarcastic. This is more than I've told anybody and I honestly
(To be cont.)
Cause dammit! I'm not doing anything fun
Ask me what is in my head! My works and art and my stories
oh wait *takes puddings* in case we got hungry
murder time!
you're not the only people in the world who like talking about deep shit
But you NEED small talk to LEAD IN to the deep shit.